Siddha Palm Mudras

$30.00 (Price is in USD and includes all taxes where applicable)

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Exploring the 64 Gene Key mudras.

The Siddha Palm teachings connect the ancient science of mudras – sacred hand positions – to the Gene Keys. Through the 64 hand positions you can directly access the highest essence of each Gene Key – known as its Siddhi. This extremely potent form of hand yoga bypasses the mind and sets up biogenetic resonance in the subtle fields surrounding our body. 

Using the Siddha Palm techniques, your hands become a tuning fork for any specific frequency, whether it be Stillness, Ecstasy, Forgiveness or any other Gene Key. You can also practise any of the mudras relating to your Profile, as well as moving through magical sequences which can shift your inner state instantly, bringing balance, health and heightened awareness.

Purchase of this online course provides streaming access to all 64 mudra videos. Choose a mudra, perform it every day for a week and you will see a miracle growing before your very eyes…

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