June 19th – 24th 2024

Gene Key 15


Dullness – Magnetism – Florescence

This week we meet Gene Key 15, Florescence. This is about reaching the peak of abundance. Focus this week on what is positive in your life and, just for a time, stop worrying about all the problems. This is how we grow in even more abundance.

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The ultimate modesty is to allow another to believe we’re weak or flawed, just as a means of loving them. This is a deeper meaning of the word Florescence. It means to use any and all behaviour to create illumination.

The 64 Ways, Richard Rudd

Calling in the Dream Arc Dragon

Free YouTube Live Event – 30th June, 7pm UTC

Join us and Wisdom Keeper, Grandmother Flordemayo, for an invocation of dragon medicine to support us in our time of transformation. We will stir it from its cave and welcome its fire. In so doing, we cultivate the strength and courage needed to meet the challenges we face individually and collectively.

The 7 Magpies

An Advanced Technique of Working with The Gene Keys

I want to share with you a special video where I offer a more advanced technique of working within the Gene Keys Synthesis, showing how one can blend and flow between different aspects of the teachings simultaneously, surrendering into the magic of the contemplative way. While this may be for more seasoned voyagers of the Golden Path, it may also be of interest to newcomers because it shows you a glimpse at how insights from these varied teachings of the synthesis can be woven practically into a life of contemplation.

~ Richard Rudd

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