September 27th – October 2nd 2023

Gene Key 18


Judgment – Integrity – Perfection

This week we enter a contemplation of Perfection. Our nature is already perfect, although we follow a curve of constant refinement of our base energies into alchemical gold. Open your heart to embrace this paradox of life as perfect as it is, and also as it will be.

This audio is no longer available to stream. Click below to purchase, or listen to the latest free audio contemplation in the current Pulse.

Hidden Intuition Secrets Unlocked

In this episode of the Inspired Evolution podcast, Tanmayo Lawson joins Amrit Sandhu to dive into the heart of authenticity and the liberating journey of shedding societal norms. Tanmayo shares the wisdom of belonging to a collective and embracing your personal growth journey while staying true to yourself.

Meet the Community

This month we would like to introduce you to one of the valued members of our beautiful and diverse global community. Come and meet the inspirational Mark Bentley – a Gene Keys Guide and Ambassador from Western Australia.

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