September 26th – October 2nd 2024

Gene Key 18


Judgment – Integrity – Perfection

This week we enter a contemplation of Perfection. Our nature is already perfect, although we follow a curve of constant refinement of our base energies into alchemical gold. Open your heart to embrace this paradox of life as perfect as it is, and also as it will be.

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’It’s all perfect’ is a classic New Age platitude, but the real test is: can you live that way in a crisis? Can you remember that when in great difficulty and suffering? It’s all perfect, yes, but there is still so much to improve! That is the paradox.

Dare to be Divine, Richard Rudd

Tanmayo Lawson features in Inspired Evolution Podcast

The Journey Back to Ourselves

In this interview, Tanmayo gently guides us through the delicate process of inner transformation and self-awareness. She invites us to reconnect with the deeper aspects of our being and explore the sacred relationship between humanity and the Earth. She also addresses the pain and confusion many feel as they navigate a world that often seems disconnected and overwhelming.

With deep compassion and insight, Tanmayo discusses the universal quest for purpose and fulfilment, reminding us that the answers we seek are often found within our own hearts. She emphasises the importance of love, truth, and the courage to break free from societal conditioning, encouraging us to embrace our authentic selves.

Free Registration Now Open for the Live Stream Event

Unlocking your Incarnation Codes​

September 28th – 29th

Experience a two-day practical immersion aimed at launching or deepening your journey into the magical world of the Gene Keys. Learn essential steps on your journey of awakening to who you truly are, through the lenses of your genius, love and prosperity. As you unlock your Incarnation Codes, you will dive into the mechanics and algorithms behind the Gene Keys, its mystical origins, and its purpose in heralding a new kind of transcendent human.

Live Stream Tickets
This is a rare opportunity: these teachings are seldom offered globally via a live stream and Richard is partnering with Gaia to bring you free access to this information.

Stream for free during this two-day event – September 28th-29th – from anywhere in the world. Secure your virtual seat now by clicking the button below.

*Please note that replays will only be available with Gaia+ membership.

We hope to see you there! 

Special Celebration – Last Call!

10% off on all our online courses until September 27th

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