March 29th – April 4th 2024

Gene Key 21


Control – Authority – Valour

This week we encounter Gene Key 21, which transforms Control into Valour. You may be asked to let go of control this week, or you may have to stand up for yourself against some challenging energy. Open your heart but don’t be afraid to wield your sword in the name of love.

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Click below to purchase, or listen to the latest free audio contemplation in the current Pulse.

Ultimately this Siddhi will be needed by all travellers into the beyond, because it takes Valour to die with an open heart. To give up our identity, our attachments, our body, and merge into the limitless light, requires the exquisite cocktail of courage and love.

The 64 Ways, Richard Rudd

Musical Meditations

Living Wisdom Volume 3

We are pleased to announce that Living Wisdom Volume 3 is now available. These musical contemplations are a tapestry of audio
alchemy and poetic insights woven from the
words of Richard Rudd from The 64 Ways.

Making Money Doing Nothing

New Video from Richard Rudd

Here, Richard Rudd gives us a short tour through the Pearl Sequence and its four pathways and Spheres. Bringing the teaching down to three key questions: ‘What do I most love doing?’, ‘Who do I want to do it with?’ and ‘How can we best serve the whole together?’ He then deftly strings together the insights of each Sphere, relating them to business and how the flow of money moves in and out of our lives. He finishes on an empowering note about not compromising one’s true art, and the inevitable fulfilment that arises from this.

Registration closes Sunday, March 31st

Watch Richard Rudd’s personal invitation to delve deeper into the teachings of the Pearl Sequence.

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