February 13th – 18th 2023

Gene Key 30


Desire – Lightness – Rapture

This week we meet Gene Key 30, the Key of Desire. This is the tantric path of using desire to awaken our heart. We have to lighten up and become looser in our being through this Gene Key. Trust your feelings this week. You need not follow them, but trust them. How else will you unlock a heightened state known as Rapture?

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Musical Meditations

We are pleased to announce that Living Wisdom Volume 2 is now available. These musical contemplations are a tapestry of audio alchemy and poetic insights woven from the words of Richard Rudd from the 64 ways.

Special Valentines event on Clubhouse with Tanmayo

Join Tanmayo for this special masterclass exploring emotional intelligence, love and the lines of your EQ. Bring your Venus Sequence and your relationship questions.

The Law of Unseen Grace

The first of a 4-Part introduction into the Venus Sequence. Here Richard Rudd describes it as a ‘Wound Map’ that can be used to disable deep unconscious trauma held in our body. The Law of Unseen Grace states that we always get the exact experiences and relationships we need in life for our spiritual evolution. Using your Venus Sequence can help you open your heart and move through any difficulty in life with gentleness and courage.

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