April 4th – 10th 2024

Gene Key 51


Agitation – Initiative – Awakening

This week we enter the field of initiation through Gene Key 51, which can transform a difficulty into an awakening. Try it with any difficulties that may arise for you this week, but remember to be gentle with yourself for that is the key to true awakening.

‘This entire teaching is ridiculous. The Gene Keys are ridiculous. They are wonderful, but they are what Goethe called ‘the deeds and sufferings of light’. They are nothing but the words in a book about God. They aren’t the real thing itself. They take us to the edge, but then… the jump must come on its own.’

Dare to be Divine, Richard Rudd

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Ananda's Arrow

This is the story of the awakening of every human being, retold through the simplest and most beautiful legend of Ananda, one of the Buddha’s closest disciples.

‘It was as though he wept the world through his tears. The arrow of his suffering had entered so deeply into his being that he could no longer tell what was what. He entered so profoundly into his agony that he became one with it, and by the morning he had forgotten himself entirely.’

Unveiling the Mysteries of Gene Keys

The Catherine Plano Podcast

In this compelling discussion with Catherine Plano, Richard explains how embracing your unique genetic blueprint through the Gene Keys can lead to unparalleled personal evolution. He goes on to talk about the power of pausing – a simple yet profound practice that invites miraculous transformations and breakthroughs in your life.

Richard challenges the conventional idea of questing for purpose, revealing how simply ‘being’ allows your true essence and higher purpose to unfold naturally. He also takes us beyond the individual, exploring the impact of the Gene Keys in harmonising teams and reshaping leadership within organisations.

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