February 19th – 24th 2023

Gene Key 55


Victimisation – Freedom

This week we meet Gene Key 55, whose highest purpose is to transform deep Victimisation into Freedom. Join our community as we contemplate and learn from Gene Key 55 this week. This is the key of prophecy, of the Great Change.

Ask yourself why were you born at this momentous time of massive change, and study this Gene Key to find out exactly why you are here on Gaia right now and what you are here to do.

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Read the 55th Gene Key

This is one of the most thought provoking, revolutionary, prophetic pieces of writing you will ever read. It concerns the current changes humanity is moving through and where we are heading as a species. Filled with idealism and poetic metaphor, but balanced with down-to-earth psychological and social insight, this is a transmission straight from the source.

Richard Rudd at PAWA

If you didn’t catch Richard Rudd’s talk, The Algorithms of Awakening, at the PAWA conference in Paris, it is now available on our YouTube channel. Richard explores Unlocking the Genius in Your DNA, our changing times and the origins of the Gene Keys.

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