July 18th – 24th 2024

Gene Key 56


Distraction – Enrichment – Intoxication

This week we dive into Gene Key 56 and the Gift of Enrichment. What will you do this week that is truly enriching for your soul? 

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This is about letting life cut you through moving deeper into life. This is about loving the form intensely – it’s to taste pleasure and desire, loss and pain and even toxin – so deeply that you transcend it just from going into it.

Dare to be Divine, Richard Rudd

Seeds of Love

Which type of Love chooses you today?

Gene Key 56 is the wildest love on our planet. It is the love of being alive – of sight, taste, smell, beauty, ugliness – love of all experience. Allow this love to permeate your experience of being alive today. Whatever happens, open to it and welcome this vast love.

Click the button below to discover one of the 13 Seeds of Love….

Richard Rudd and Alex Ferrari Next Level Soul

Prepare Yourself for the Next Evolution of Mankind Now

This interview is a deep dive into the true nature of human potential and offers a new view of our future as a collective consciousness. With a light touch and plenty of humour, the conversation explores the incredible prospects for humanity and what it will take to survive and thrive in the coming time of The Great Change. Delving into the deep connections between our dormant Siddhis – the superpowers encoded in our DNA, this engaging dialogue reveals a treasure trove of fascinating insights. Find out which surprising superhero powers our speakers chose for themselves and consider whether the Gene Keys could turn us into X-Men in the next stage of our evolution. This truly is a must-listen.

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