October 8th – 13th 2023

Gene Key 57


Unease – Intuition – Clarity

This week we come together to practise the art of honing our intuition. Let us temper the blades of our intuition. Let us trust in the intuition despite what our mind may say. Clarity and harmony will be the eventual result.

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Archetypes, Stories, Sequences & Contemplation

In this episode of the Unveil podcast, Victoria Fenton interviews Elijah Parker. This conversation is a rich invitation into the land of self-awareness and the dance between constriction and freedom. Discover how you can access the realm of the Gene Keys, and which Gene Key is Elijah’s favourite.

Golden Path Open Calls

Dancing with Love – SQ

Come join Tanmayo and Elijah for a journey into the heart of Venus Sequence with their special gifted guest and fellow Ambassador Momo. This week they dive into the SQ (Spiritual Quotient), which represents the first 7 years of life.

These free online sessions happen biweekly and are open to everyone, whether completely new to the synthesis or an old traveller. Join us live this Thursday, October 12 @ 12pm UTC, and sign up to be notified of upcoming topics, hosts and replays here.

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