August 22nd – 28th 2024

Gene Key 59


Dishonesty – Intimacy – Transparency

This week we contemplate Gene Key 59 – a great week to speak the truth and to build intimacy. Be open to breakthroughs in relationships.

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To be transparent means we let another being just wash through us. The enlightened experience sweeps all our defences away and we have no separateness.

The 64 Ways, Richard Rudd

The Gene Keys – A Simple Introduction

This short article offers a simple 2-page introduction to the Gene Keys – perfect for newcomers or anyone wishing to share the essence of what the Gene Keys are, where they come from and how they work.

The Gene Keys Prophecy of 2027

The Birth of the Future Human with Richard Rudd

ST. JAMES’S CHURCH, PICCADILLY, LONDON | 11th September at 7pm

In this unique talk, Richard Rudd introduces his work through the lens of an extraordinary prophecy concerning a new kind of human that could emerge over the coming decades and centuries.

Drawing on ancient wisdom and scientific conjecture, Richard puts an entirely original slant on the current state of our planet, predicting a breakdown of our global systems due to climate change, culminating in a breakthrough in consciousness, rooted in a planet-wide mutation in our DNA.

‘Technology isn’t going to save us,’ says Richard, ‘because we are the technology. We just haven’t yet awakened the miraculous possibilities that lie dormant in our DNA.’ Richard will also give us an embodied experience of what the future consciousness will actually feel like. Bring an open mind!

Tickets available via Alternatives.

Tea with Richard Rudd

Join Richard live for contemplation and conversation over a cup of tea. In these new, informal sessions, Richard will share insights from his heart and updates from his work within the Gene Keys transmission. 

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