September 3rd – 9th 2024

Gene Key 64


Confusion – Imagination – Illumination

This week we contemplate Gene Key 64, the power of the creative imagination. Commit to a new creative process this week and you will be amazed at what good fortune comes your way.

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When you are walking the path of awakening, you begin to see at a higher level, and you remember and hear things in a completely different way. You can still relate to people on an everyday level, but when you look at the universe, your worldview opens up and starts to look different. You start seeing things through your heart, and thus you come in time to remember your greater being.

Fragments of Light, Richard Rudd

Tea with Richard

September 3rd at 7pm UTC

Join Richard live for contemplation and conversation over a cup of tea. In these new, informal sessions, Richard will share insights from his heart and updates from his work within the Gene Keys transmission.

Contemplating Reincarnation – Part 1

In this unique and inspiring dialogue, Richard Rudd and Chris Bache explore the concept of reincarnation and how it profoundly expands our worldview, giving us a sense of our eternal identity evolving within and throughout the constant turnover of lives. Highlights of this discussion include: the growing body of evidence for reincarnation, karmic cause and effect, the higher purpose of existence, grounding the spiritual into the physical, the soul and its development, the paradox of individuated awareness and infinite being, involution and evolution and the birth of the Diamond Soul.

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