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Gene Key 29
Half-Heartedness – Commitment – Devotion
The Shadow of Half-Heartedness – Half-Heartedness is a mistrust in the decisions one makes in life, leading to worry, emotional turbulence, or lack of follow-through in commitments. Quitting too soon from a situation leads one into a cycle of repeating the same emotional pattern later in life until the lesson has been acknowledged and integrated. Half-Heartedness can also be experienced when one hides their true feelings, or withdraws their vital energy from the present moment. Individuals can express their Half-Heartedness through either over-commitment or under-commitment. When an individual does not recognize the natural endings of cycles, they can take on too much responsibility out of fear, inevitably exhausting themselves. Others, unable to follow through with commitments fully, create a cycle of shame and failure based on their history of unreliability.
The Gift of Commitment – Commitment is the ability to make clean and thorough decisions attuned to the natural flow of life unaffected by the pressures and expectations of others. With full-hearted Commitment to each choice made, the river of life will continue to flow towards the soul’s true longing. True commitment is a deep trust in the adventure of life. It is plunging headlong into the moment and allowing the mystery to guide each step along the journey. Commitment is not an emotional choice based on fear, anxiety, or mental agendas, but rather a full-body awareness of the correct “yes” or “no” in each moment. Nor is Commitment about thinking one’s way out of situations, but actually surrendering into the natural unfolding of life’s circumstances with lucidity and enjoying the ride of both challenge and victory. Each cycle of Commitment has its own timing. By living fully in each moment, free from fear, there will be clear insight if and when it is time to change course.
The Siddhi of Devotion – Devotion is the deep surrender of the mind into the wild nature of the heart. While the external focus of Devotion can be toward a particular person, teacher, or path, the direction of Devotion is ultimately leading all beings to see the truth reflected in all things. Devotion is to dive into the unknown and be utterly immersed in the profound nature of love.
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Tantric Love
Gene Key 30 is about the sublimation of our desires. Spend some time today entertaining your desires. Allow them to flow unimpeded through your body, heart and mind. Whether you follow them further is your choice. Accept the beauty of this freedom to chose that each of us has been gifted at birth.