‘If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs Yours is the earth and everything that’s in it…’
-Rudyard Kipling
Survive or Soar
I am entirely in agreement with the poet. And I would go further…At times such as these, when others are succumbing to their deepest fears, you can do more than simply survive the transition – You can soar on the waves it generates.
Every now and then a great fear moves through the world. It is literally being leeched out of humanity’s DNA. In mysterious cycles, the global economy suffers repeated strokes, and when it happens, everywhere people tighten their belts and scramble to keep their money safe. The release of this fear into the collective however is not rooted in economics, but in emotions. The global economy is actually built upon emotions – chiefly upon greed and desire but above all upon fear. It is also important to understand that the economy is a system, and as such it is interrelated with all other systems, both living and manmade. In this respect, the Pearl teachings can explain the basic infrastructure of the economy, and indeed of all systems.
Line 6 – System
Line 5 – Society
Line 4 – Network
Line 3 – Unit
Line 2 – Relationship
Line 1 – Individual
The economy is made up of individuals. That is the bottom line. The overall frequency generated by all those individuals working, interacting, buying and selling is what creates the frequency within the system. Beneath our current world economy beats a heart of fear. The great empires, monopolies and groups that dominate our world economy have been built upon desire, which is nothing but concealed fear. Only when there is no fear can there be no desire. You cannot point the finger of blame at the individuals that run the empires either, because no one person has designed the system. It is simply the expression of our collective emotional nature.
As I said, systems are all holographically interrelated. Our economy is actually near the very end of a whole line of systems. It is a microcosm of what is occurring within the ecosystem, the solar system, the galactic system and the universe as a whole. At the individual level, there is the physical system of your body, made up of its own sub-systems – your immune system, your cardiovascular system, your endocrine system and so on. All of this leads back to your DNA, the last system that we can see before the hologram enters the atomic and sub-atomic world. What is occurring in the economy is therefore a mirror of what is occurring in your DNA, and of what is occurring in every single system within our universe. I hope that at some level that makes you breathe a sigh of relief!
The fact is that when evolution wants to take a quantum leap it mutates all elements within the chain. Here is how a healthy or unhealthy system works:
You have to empower the individual or he/she will rebel
You have to nurture the partnership or it will dissolve
You have to nourish the unit or it will split apart
You have to strengthen the network or it will crash
You have to serve the society or it will be overthrown
You have to bow to the system because you can’t beat the system!
As is evident, our current economic system is proving itself unable to empower, nurture, nourish, strengthen or serve us. Neither can you fix the system by throwing money at it. Only if all the societies colluded, could the system respond as we need it to, and that is a highly unlikely scenario because of the great sacrifice it would take from those in positions of power.
The system itself can never die. It is beyond death, which is why you can never beat it or outwit it. When it needs to change, like the phoenix, the system gives birth to itself anew from the inside, whilst at the same time it allows the old elements to rot away. And as the old empires crumble and fall, so the new shoots appear amidst the ashes. This rebooting of the entire system occurs only periodically throughout evolution. Empires are built, overthrown or decimated, only to be replaced by other empires serving the same master – fear. But the system only changes after thousands of such events have taken place. The ancients were particularly adept at predicting system reboots. The Vedas describe the Yugas, great spans of time in which evolution progresses gradually until it reaches one of the great tipping points, those rare times known as the Great Changes.
Now is such a time. A Great Change is upon us, and what we are seeing is more than just another empire in decline. Today, as the Mayans predicted, is a time when the whole galaxy is engaged in a leap in consciousness.
The new shoots are even now beginning to emerge. People will find new forms of currency that support and venerate the living chain of all beings. All life forms are involved in this transition, even the inanimate forms. So if you are in resonance with the new – with what is coming, then now is far from being a time of gloom where you are merely worried about your own or your family’s survival. On the contrary, now is the time to take to the air. Just as the old energy is descending there must be an ascending counter-action, and it will come from those who carry the breath of the new frequencies in their hearts. We who have dreamed of freedom for so long, and all those ancestors who have fought for freedom down the ages – all of them live inside our DNA, where they create a vast pressure inside humanity – a great surging updraft of lightness and light. We know what is really coming.
Genius – the true human currency
All the empires we have seen throughout our history have been built upon debt. Today the world’s largest empire, the USA, has debts of more than 10 trillion dollars! Financial debt is again simply a manifestation of an emotional state that has been repressed throughout humanity. Debt is guilt, and guilt eats away at the system like a cancer. Today we are seeing all the guilt coming out of the emotional system of humanity. All of our collective suffering down the ages, all of our unaccepted selfishness, our lust, our cruelty, our betrayal and our anguish is being thrown to the surface, literally cast out of our DNA. DNA is the physical repository that holds all this memory, this collective karma, this great debt. It is actually held within the solar plexus centre, the seat of emotions. The money simply follows the emotions.
A great mutation is underway in the solar plexus centre of humanity, and it is throwing this debt to the surface so that it can be burned from our DNA. Our modern world will doubtless drown under the weight of this debt, but it will also be purified. The new system will incur no debt whatsoever because its nature is philanthropy. Philanthropy, derived from the two terms ‘philos’ and ‘anthropos’, literally means the love of humanity. As a word and a practice it has become somewhat confused with charity. But it has many more dimensions to it than charity. A philanthropic system is a sustainable system, in which energy investment is the primary consideration. Philanthropy is not in the business of rescuing victims, but of empowering individuals to thrive. The philanthropic view is the 6th line long-term view. It will not invest in empires that are founded on fear, even though people may be suffering under those regimes. It will begin a new system that invites all people to come and be educated in order that they may free themselves. That is the true love of humanity.
Below are the 6 economic keys in relation to this, placed for your inspiration alongside the 6 wound keys:
Line 6 – Investment – Isolation
Line 5 – Debt – Guilt
Line 4 – Loans – Rejection
Line 3 – Risk – Shame
Line 2 – Credit – Denial
Line 1 – Savings – Repression
The only way of removing the fear from your system is to unlock your own innate genius. Your genius is your 1st line foundation of a secure life, because your genius is where you naturally contribute to the system and therefore the way in which you are designed to prosper. However, because our current system does not empower the individual, it does not empower genius. In a system that does empower individuals, no one ever need go into any debt, so there is no need for credit either. With no creditors and no debtors, there are no victims and no controllers. In a philanthropic system, your genius is your natural currency, and it makes everything in your life so simple. Your genius allows you to thrive. It feeds you and those close to you, and it feeds humanity. In a philanthropic system, individuals are self-empowered because they bow to the system that they know they are part of.
The Gene Keys and the Pearl teachings are primarily aimed at the empowerment of individuals, through the embracing of the Shadow and the releasing of your true genius. Armed with your genius, which can only ever come through an open heart, you are equipped not only to survive the oncoming deluge, but to soar over the top of it. As some will drown beneath the emotional waves of the Shadow frequency, others will lead the way and thrive, growing wings of freedom rooted in their genius. Then from above the waves you can see how to lead others to this same freedom inside themselves.
It is a time of great hope, of great inner certainty. The most important thing now is to use this opportunity to rise up, rather than allowing yourself to fall victim to the fears of the world. If others are constricting and tightening their belts, you must be one of the rare ones who expands and loosens your belt. It is a time for generosity of spirit, of innovative thinking, of deep love. It is a time to nurture your true partnerships, to nourish your families, to strengthen your networks and serve the new society. The new society belongs to no single being, but at its heart sits the empress – the vision of a higher world based on philanthropic principles. All those who build their lives around such values are serving and being served by the new society.
The new society is self-organising, has collective intelligence and is rooted in the principle of synarchy. Its frequency creates the attractor field that will draw its subjects together. Slowly, imperceptibly, it will arise as the old world continues to fall away. Old energy is leaving the world. New energy is being born.
It’s an amazing time. You decide…
Survive or Soar.
Part 4: Economic Meltdown starts on page 15 of the PDF