Part 2 – Fractal Philanthropy
Business Model of the Future
Over the past few years I have often spoken prophetically of a new business model entering the world – one based on the knowledge of fractal dynamics. As I am currently engaged in the deep research that always precedes a new course, I find that everywhere I look I can now see evidence of such a model just beginning to come into the world.
There is a relatively new science known as ‘Systems Theory’ whose major purpose is to understand and describe the mechanics of dynamic, living and manmade systems. Systems theory is very important to the modern holistic world view because it is one of the few sciences that truly bridges all the other sciences, covering everything from computer systems to brain chemistry. Interestingly, one of the early founders of this science, C. West Churchman identified the Chinese I Ching as one of the very first means of measuring complex systems. Often linked in with Chaos Theory and Complexity Theory, the study of systems thus far has also revealed some startling symmetries between many systems previously seen as unrelated. In a nutshell, scientists at the cutting edge of all fields seem to be discovering similar patterns underlying all kinds of phenomena.
The one truth that is coming through with increasing regularity is that life keeps on demonstrating its ability to self organise. Beyond this, scientists are also realising that even though closed systems exhibit vast complexity, the study of multiple systems appears to be bound by very simple laws. What this is saying is that the more macrocosmic your view is, the simpler it all becomes. In other words, scientists looking into only a single field are often caught by the old adage of ‘you can’t see the woods for the trees’.
Prosperity Through Simplicity
In our modern complex world there is a deep and ever increasing need and yearning for the simple once again. We have even forgotten that the best things in life really are the simplest. My new course, The Pearl is a distillation of all the great truths that I have discovered in the Chinese I Ching, the first great binary system. Its essence is simplicity itself and I have focussed my new language on a system which has I think become so complicated and uncomfortable for so many people that it really feels like it is in need of an overhaul. The subject is of course money, and the system is the world economy and how to understand it and align yourself with it. To be in alignment with the natural flow of the world economy is to live in a state of permanent prosperity. It is something every other ‘successful’ businessman or businesswoman claims they have mastered. My question is: Have they really?
The Pearl will not tell you how to make money. It shows you how to be happy. I hope those two statements speak for themselves. Money is relative to individual destiny. The real question you have to ask yourself is not ‘how can I make more money?’ but ‘how can I be prosperous?’
Now I would like to turn this question back to each of you. Are you doing something you truly love in life? Are you fulfilled in your relationships? Is your body in good health? If you can answer yes to these questions, then you are already prospering right now. Often, the only thing that prevents us from being happy is the belief that we are not already happy. If you can answer yes to these basic questions then your bank balance right at this moment is exactly where it should be. It is at its operating optimum. That is the simplest solution to the question of happiness – you already have it. If however, you cannot answer yes to the above three questions, then somewhere in the quantum field that is your life, you have a glitch. The reason why the glitch exists is not important – the only thing that matters is how to re-set the glitch itself. A glitch is nothing more than the mis-reading of a frame of information.
The majority of such glitches fall in one of two main life categories – relationships or money. It doesn’t matter which one it lives in – you can reset the information from either since all areas of your life are dynamically interconnected as one system.
The Elegant Six
I recently had the good fortune of working with bees. Over two glorious summer days in the England Lake District I removed the excess honey from a cluster of beehives. As most of us know, bees make their honeycombs in perfect hexagonal matrices, being the most efficient geometric shape for any fractal system. As most of my readers will also know, the I Ching is based on the hexagram, a six-lined pictogram with a web of internal correspondences that mathematically match the genetic code exactly. It is these six lines, ‘the hexagramma mysticum’, which allow the fractal language of the genetic code to be read in archetypal form. I have already interpreted these six lines into the dynamics of mythology, psychology, sociology and a host of other systems. The elegant six are the fractal language underlying all system theory.
The Money Triangle
Every system, living or otherwise, conforms to a certain set of geometric laws. In the same way, our genetic code contains sequences that control every conceivable aspect of our physiology, brain chemistry and therefore physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual experience. Human relationships for example conform to universal laws governed by pentagonal geometry, which unfurls through a 5-stage sequence as demonstrated through the Venus Sequence. The economic system however is governed by a tetrahedral geometry, which in two dimensions means it forms a triangle of points with a fourth integral aspect in the centre. Thus there are only 4 stages to the Money Sequence and in this respect money is the simplest realm of all to master, which is why any idiot can make it! The mastery of relationships, we can see, involves a far higher evolution.

Stages of Money
1. Talent
2. Initiative
3. Growth
4. Service
5. Quantum
Stage 1 – Talent
The first stage of the money sequence is called Talent. Every human being alive is born with some unique talent – a genius for doing something that no one else can. If you can find this talent and have the courage to follow it, then you will succeed in unlocking the first two stages of your money sequence – Initiative and Growth. To follow your talent in life is to take a great gamble in yourself.
As you can see from the above, talent creates initiative, which drives the turbine that feeds growth.
The Six Fields of Talent
Line 6 – Philanthropy
Line 5 – Management
Line 4 – Sales
Line 3 – Strategy
Line 2 – Marketing
Line 1 – Production
Whatever your specific talent, it operates in one of the six fields above. You can learn all about this in depth in Part 3 of the Golden Path and your Pearl Sequence.
Free Trade and Fair Trade
The current dominant world business model is based upon an economic model simply called Free Trade. Free Trade is basically a system that encourages a free flow of the exchange of goods and services between different countries and nations, without any form of major legislative restriction. In this sense free trade encourages self-empowerment as long as you live in a more or less democratic nation. The problem with free trade is that it has also created a high proportion of extremes, so that we have a very small group of people with most of the money and a great deal of people with very little money. Now in systems theory, this is always a dangerous marker that signifies one of two things: either there must be a system collapse imminent or a complete system readjustment and paradigm shift must take place.
The magic bullet of Free Trade is philanthropy. If humanity continues along its current course unchecked, there will inevitably be a collapse of the global economy. Such a collapse has never happened before in our history because we have never been so interdependent before. We have seen networks fail, markets crash and empires overthrown, but we have never yet seen a complete system collapse. It would be a horrendous event, ultimately leading to chaos, war, poverty, disease and all manner of apocalyptic scenes on a global scale. Many highly intelligent people think this is the way the world will go, and they would be right but for one hope – philanthropy.
Philanthropy as a word means ‘the love of humanity’. Often mistaken for charity, it is in fact a very different phenomenon. In the I Ching language, charity is a fourth line term, whereas philanthropy is a sixth line word. If a 4th line person sees a beggar on the street, they will take them in, maybe feed them, clothe them and save them from their plight. This is the compassion of the 4th line. The 6th line philanthropist however might walk right past that beggar, appearing to ignore them. However, when they got home, that 6th line would go to work to calculate exactly how to change the entire system that creates beggars in the first place. Whereas the 4th line is fixed and limited to seeing only from the heart, the 6th line fuses the heart with the mind and goes beyond both.
Philanthropy has more to do with investment than charity. Philanthropy is not about giving away money and it is not, as is generally misunderstood, a privilege only for the very rich. Philanthropy is actually an integral aspect of the Free Trade business model, and it must and is being born out of that model. Prosperity, as I wrote in my introductory article for The Pearl, is based on giving. Prosperity does not like stockpiling. Money that simply sits there without feeding anyone or anything turns rotten. So it does not matter how little money you begin with, if you invest it in the right consciousness, it will bring you even more prosperity. If you invest it in the victim consciousness, like the fourth line does, then you may not get a great return. But the fourth line is not motivated by return – it only wants to give, and in that respect it is beautiful. The sixth line however is interested in the entire system, so it has to think in terms of the bigger picture – it considers the environment, the future generations and the possible knock-on effects. Philanthropy invests in Fair Trade because Fair Trade is a symbol of individual empowerment. Philanthropy is about freeing individuals from the system itself, and to do that you have to help them become independent.
Stage 2 – The Links of Culture
Moving money down the chain
Line 6 – System
Line 5 – Society
Line 4 – Network
Line 3 – Unit
Line 2 – Partnership
Line 1 – Entrepreneur
In the future, philanthropy must become the natural way of siphoning excess capital to places and people where there is a deficit. To do this, and to reach individuals, you have to move the money down the economic chain. To move huge amounts of money at a system level, you have to first go through the societies (line 5) – the huge corporations and the super-rich. These must siphon money and investment into pre-established networks (line 4) that can get the money down to the local units (line 3) on the ground. Once money reaches down into the communities at this grassroots level, it can motivate entrepreneurs and individuals (line 1) to form business partnerships (line 2) and initiate the money sequence from their respective talents. This is how you bring Prosperity into the world according to the fractal model.
The second stage of your individual money sequence is called Culture. Corporate culture is now a big buzzword in the business field, and in terms of the Pearl it refers to the way in which nature naturally builds a business around you the individual. Once you have initiated prosperity through your talent, your support structure shows up, and this is your natural role within the organic growth of your fractal. More than this, your cultural keynote also shows you how you resonate within any organism. If for example you have a second line, you will naturally form a partnership and share your prosperity and responsibility, whereas if you are a first line, you have to be the sole founder or patron/patroness.
Stage 3 – The Brand
In order to keep at least some mystery, I am going to hold back from a discussion of Stage 3 in the money sequence. What I will say is that it represents the turning point in your own life. To reach the top of the Money Triangle is relatively easy and it will inevitably make you relatively wealthy. However, if you wish to turn that wealth into prosperity, you must make service the core principle behind your business, rather than security or greed. It is only when you can do this that you will hit the fourth and final stage of your money sequence and manifest the quantum power of the pearl inside you.
Stage 4 – Realising the Pearl
The Six Motivators
Line 6 – Nature
Line 5 – Power
Line 4 – Charity
Line 3 – Celebration
Line 2 – Recognition
Line 1 – Simplicity
When you get to this last stage in your Pearl sequence, you really get to see what is really the motivating force behind your life. These six keys are to me so beautifully elegant and profound. You can only realise these qualities through taking your core talent and pressing it into the service of something greater than yourself. That is your sixth line investment in the system. The ultimate system is the universe itself. The Pearl shows you your genetic resonance within the universe – it is the hardwiring in your body that manifests your particular destiny.
If you have a first line Pearl then you won’t ever need very much money, because money makes things so complicated, and that isn’t your trip. Your whole life, all you have really been seeking is simplicity.
If you have a second line Pearl then what you really want is to feel you are making a difference to the world – that comes through recognition. You will probably handle very large amounts of money and are designed for this responsibility.
If you have a third line Pearl, all you want to do is spend money! You are designed to really use money for your own and other’s pure enjoyment, which means you will have access to a lot of money, but it doesn’t really matter who it belongs to. For you, the money simply allows you to live in the limelight.
If you have a fourth line Pearl, then all you want is to simply give it all away! You will want more in order that you can give more. This is the mystical nature of the fourth line, which is something of an anomaly within all the six lines. You can also see here how the lines resonate through the hexagram structure – the quickest way to simplify your life is to give things away!
If you have a fifth line Pearl, then you are destined to be a leader in some sphere. You are one designed for power and responsibility, but you also have the humility to wield it well.
Finally, the beauty of the ending, and the quintessence of the Pearl itself is the sixth line, which is nature. The true nature of prosperity is to be penniless. All sixth lines are transcendent. If this is your Pearl, then life will make certain that you always have what you need without you having to own or handle any of it yourself. The Pearl comes from nature, and arrives by dint of this glitch in the matrix. It is the irritation in the oyster that forms the pearl, and so it must always be the irritation in your life that brings you your greatest prosperity. You can see from its resonance with the third line that all nature really wants human beings to do is celebrate!
The ultimate aim of philanthropy therefore is to take humanity back into alignment with nature. Nature has no need of trade but gives of itself unconditionally. Trade is the afterglow of identification with the form or ego. Thus as we surrender our individual nature back into the nature of the whole cosmos, so money itself will eventually become defunct. The closer we come to acting with the whole system in mind rather than from our own little corner, the less need we have for any of this funny green stuff. As we enter this collective functioning of consciousness, so the system absorbs us into itself and we become like Krishna’s hollow flute, with the celestial wind blowing through the vacuum that once was our suffering. This is the revelation of The Pearl, and it is a revelation that is coming to all of humanity, and as it comes it will once again make our lives so elegant, so prosperous and above all, so simple.