Ocean of Stability

Fragments of light – Contemplation Series

Finding Core Stability through Contemplation

Inspired by the experience of sitting on a rock in a wild sea, this story explores the transformative power of grounding oneself through contemplation, inquiry and connection to one’s life purpose. The Gene Keys Activation Sequence emerges as a profound tool for uncovering the essence of being, fostering clarity and stability.

This core stability becomes an anchor that enables us to navigate life’s uncertainties with grace, love and service. In the midst of external chaos and change, the bright currents of inner connection provide fertile ground for spiritual growth and self-inquiry, creating a foundation for resilience and transformation.

Ocean of Stability

I was once coming home from a retreat, driving along the wild coastline of Devon. It was a beautiful evening and I stopped to clamber down to a secluded beach. I sat there watching the sun on the waves and listening to the seabirds screeching overhead. It was a beautiful experience. I could see a small pinnacle of rock out in the sea, and I decided to head out to it. So I got into my wetsuit and swam out into quite a big swell, aware that there was some risk in being alone in this wild place with tides and currents that I was not familiar with. Still, I swam out to the rock, climbed onto it and sat on top.

The waves were washing over my legs, but my top half was mostly above the water. I got myself comfortable, and as I was sitting there in that wild sea, it felt as though I was sitting on top of the water, and it must have looked like that too, if someone had been watching from the shore. It was an extraordinary feeling. I closed my eyes and I went into a deep space of the allegory of the situation I found myself in, because it was exactly like life. These were the stormy waters, the unpredictable waves that can wash over us and perhaps sometimes threaten to take us away. Yet I could feel a connection through my base, through my core, right down into the earth, through the sea and through the rock that came up through the ocean, to me, sitting on top.

I felt a beautiful stability, even though everything on the surface was moving and changing. It was a deep, unchanging solidity at the core of who I was. I closed my eyes and even when large waves washed over me and came right up to my chest, I felt completely safe on that rock because I felt the gravity, the stability. It made me think about my life, what I do, who I am and the Gene Keys, and I realised that stability is what I’m bringing through the Gene Keys, through these teachings.

That purpose is not what you're here to do, but it's a sense of being which the doing emerges out of.

Many people who come into the Gene Keys on the Golden Path programme find a core connection to their highest purpose. That purpose is not what you’re here to do, but it’s a sense of being which the doing emerges out of. And until you have a deep, ongoing connection to that sense of higher purpose, you will not be able to truly connect with the base of who you are, with the base of life, and you’ll not ever truly feel stable.

Whatever comes to you in this world, whatever life throws at you, whatever challenges you meet, if you have that base of core stability, then you’ll be able to weather it with grace, and you’ll be able to deal with any storm. Starting with that sense of deep core stability which comes from knowing and having contacted your purpose, the purpose of your life in this world is the foundation of all higher questing for truth. Although that higher purpose will vary for each of us, it will become some form of love or service. The style of it and how we feel it inside will be different for everyone, but its essence is always love.

The Gene Keys offer us reflection and ongoing contemplation so that we can contact that stability. We live in tempestuous times, and even though the world is relatively peaceful when we look at it historically, it can feel that things around us are collapsing on the outside. The systems we’ve designed and built are showing themselves not to be fit for purpose, and that means that there are uncertain times ahead.

The indications are that what we have built is beginning to decay, fall apart and crumble, and on the outside, this means we’re moving through a period of intense change. On the inside, the currents of internal connection to the source of being are brighter and perhaps more available than ever. So it’s a wonderful time to engage on an inner journey, since the conditions are perfect for it.

You often see this in the world, that something on the outside is going one way and something on the inside is going the other. It seems to be a universal law. On the inside, there is an ascension and an opening, and on the outside, there is a falling apart.

I would expect, although, not wanting to be a doom-monger, that the falling apart will continue in the years ahead in the world. The outside will feel a less safe place, but on the inside the world can feel safer and safer as we make these inner connections. We can navigate the changes which are all beneficial in the long run from a place of core stability in our physical bodies, families, communities, emotions, heart and spirit.

I want to give you the sense of what it’s like to sit on that rock and feel that deep anchor to the core of your life purpose. When you begin to contact that feeling, it can really begin to change your life.

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