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Gene Key 3
Chaos – Innovation – Innocence
The Shadow of Chaos – Chaos is the fear of infinity – the primordial space from which all life emerges. It is the fear that the individual human is powerless in comparison to the vast mystery of the universe. This fear is amplified by the instinctual need for personal survival at all costs, locking individuals in a state of selfishness to protect against the potential danger of the unknown. The repressive nature tries to maintain a false sense of security by controlling all variables in life, leading to an anal-retentive attitude. This inadvertently constricts the body and breath, resulting in trapped vitality and an inability to handle change. The reactive nature acts out in anger against the underlying chaos of the world through anarchy, aggression, seeking danger, or creating drama. This rebellious attitude can blindly create more chaos for oneself and the world, perpetuating harm and instability through the cycle of unresolved fear.
The Gift of Innovation – Innovation is the capacity for individuals to work together in concert with other cells in the larger organism, transmuting the signal of danger into a catalyst for growth and synergy. Innovation transcends the selfish conditioning of individuals and operates from the innate programming of collaboration for the sake of collective benefit. Innovation encodes life to naturally grow and transcend outdated instincts in response to the evolutionary changes of the world. This gift is rooted in creative optimism, seeking a more harmonious and efficient way of using available resources in collaboration with its surroundings. Innovation transcends the fear of the unknown by engaging creatively with life’s challenges and synthesizing with others. Innovation uses joy and enthusiasm to ride the dynamic waves of change.
The Siddhi of Innocence – Innocence is the revelation that all beings are divine children of the universe, inherently pure and whole, destined to play in the magic of creation. Innocence is a return to the essence of life, revealing that consciousness is constantly learning and growing with each fresh moment as an embodiment of ecstatic joy, imagination, and curiosity.
Read the chapter from the Gene Keys book to learn more.
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Devotional Love
Gene Key 29 is love in the field of devotion. What can you do today that is utterly devotional? Follow this rapturous love that gives of itself so utterly that it attains transcendence of some kind.