Prayer of Transition

Excerpt from The Spring of Dreams by Richard Rudd

Deep spirit of the eternal waters
Lord and Lady of Life and Death
We offer homage to you in this time of intense change
We bow to the great mystery of this unfolding
And breathe a deep sigh, yielding at last
To the sweet inevitability of Grace.
May we enter the gate with our hearts open.
May we softly release the past
And open fully into the glory of your light.
May all who are caught up in this change
find the easy path to their highest good.
Great and ancient Grandmother of the Earth
We convey ourselves into your gentle arms.
Great, bright Lord of the blueing Sky
We release our soul to your boundless winds.
May all beings be blessed
May all beings be blessed
as together we journey out of the darkness,
And like the leaping salmon
May each of us return
To the exquisite and inextinguishable
Flame of our Source.

Hear from the Author

Selected Poetry and Prayers

A selection of poems and prayers, accompanied by the exceptional visionary art of Jane Adams, drawn from many years of the writings of Richard Rudd. Covering the span of his life and representing one man’s search to pierce the veil of the invisible. Poetry and prayer are perhaps the two beams of a ladder, with the words as the rungs. If one is fortunate enough to climb high enough and peer through the veil at the top, perhaps only then can we leave the ladder itself behind. This is the intention of this little book – to use words to help us forget words, and then to enter the play with full delight…