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Gene Key 46
Seriousness – Delight – Ecstasy
The Shadow of Seriousness – Seriousness is a freezing of natural life vitality by worrying about the future or desiring life to be different than it is in the present moment. Seriousness is expressed through the constriction of the body in relation to issues of control and separation. It saps away the natural flow of love and joy from the mystery of each present moment. Over time, a frigid personality may develop, where one hides from life out of fear of their own bodies. Others may develop a frivolous personality, avoiding taking life seriously by jumping into different relationships or experiences without cultivating integrity or personal accountability.
The Gift of Delight – Delight is the sense of freedom that emerges from one’s gratitude for being alive. Delight is rooted in a deep sensual appreciation of the present moment. It accepts what is occurring while simultaneously letting it go without expectation or identification, freeing up more energy to enjoy life. The gift of Delight triggers a cascade synchronicity and serendipity into one’s daily rhythm. By letting go of its attempts to control reality, and relaxing into the adventure of the unknown, Delight opens itself to the endless possibilities of life.
The Siddhi of Ecstasy – Ecstasy is the orgasmic realization of life’s beauty in every moment. It is the revelation of divine love, discovered through one’s inherent innocence. Ecstasy is the natural state of consciousness when the mind comes to rest. To be truly ecstatic is to live fully in every sensation; where pain, joy, grief, and bliss are all welcomed to flow through the wildness of the open human heart.
Read the chapter from the Gene Keys book to learn more.
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Healing Love
Gene Key 27 is love as service, which is the greatest healing for our soul. To serve others, as you do, is also to serve yourself. Use this love today to give either yourself or another (or both) some beautiful gift of healing.