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Gene Key 30
Desire – Lightness – Rapture
The Shadow of Desire – Desire is the genetic hunger for experience, whether through material pleasures, sexuality, fame and power, or for enlightenment. Desire is the drive to learn more, taste more, experience more, and from these various experiments, to learn and evolve. This hunger is a natural function of the body and is not satiated by any external stimuli for long. This potentially leads individuals to cycles of resistance and suffering, or burning out through over-indulgence. Some try to control their desires by repressing them. This chokes the natural longing of the heart to explore, resulting in an over-serious attitude and freezing of natural vitality through fear and guilt. Others become flippant and try to exhaust their desires by indulging in them without care for self or others, leading to physical danger and relational trauma rooted in unconscious anger.
The Gift of Lightness – Lightness is a relaxation of the mind’s need for more, resulting in a softer, lighter, and more authentic approach to life. Lightness is the gradual acceptance of life as it is. It is the ability to enjoy each moment as a magical learning opportunity. Lightness allows the fiery longing of inner desires to guide one deeper into the moment, and trusts life as it unfolds. Sometimes the Desire needs to be followed, but other times it does not. The gift of Lightness reminds us to relax the reactive tendency to dive in without care or consideration, nor to collapse out of over-seriousness and guilt. Lightness is the realization that all of life’s sensations are impermanent, all emotions rise and fall, yet the light of awareness remains through it all- unwavering, unchangeable, and pure.
The Siddhi of Rapture – Rapture is akin to the fires of annihilation. It is an awakening experience that burns away all personal identification into divine love. Rapture is when all desires become the unified longing of the heart to merge with the true essence of life. It is the blissful burning and purification of layers of conditioning and forgetting that reawakens the heart of devotion.
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Devotional Love
Gene Key 29 is love in the field of devotion. What can you do today that is utterly devotional? Follow this rapturous love that gives of itself so utterly that it attains transcendence of some kind.