
Financial aid for those called to the Gene Keys Teachings

Scholarship applications are now available for

The Activation Retreat

All other scholarship requests will be temporarily delayed by three weeks, while the Scholarship Team processes the large number of requests submitted for our live retreats.

Scholarship applications are now available for

The Star Pearl

Please use the below scholarship application for The Star Pearl

The Star Pearl Scholarship Application will open on January 6th

Please wait for any Star Pearl applications until January 6th, 2025. Thank you!

The Venus Retreat Scholarships are now closed

Thank you to everyone who has applied for Venus Online Retreat Scholarships. We have now closed this application process and will notify all applicants of the final results.

Gene Keys Scholarships

The Grail is here to serve Humanity and Nature

-Richard Rudd

We aim to deliver the finest quality products at very reasonable prices. However, we understand that for some people even these prices can represent a significant challenge. We therefore run a scholarship program for all our online courses. Below you can learn more, contribute, or apply for a Gene Keys Scholarship.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our goal is that nobody should be prevented from to accessing Gene Keys teachings and offerings because of financial difficulties and our mission is to support as many people as possible to access the Gene Keys teachings.

The Scholarship team plays the vital role in giving scholarships. They are the hand of generosity of the Gene Keys community and make sure to support the people who are unable to purchase Gene Keys courses.

If you wish to apply for an online course or if you want to support others in receiving a scholarship, please read onwards.

The Gene Keys scholarships are a financial aid to those who feel a resonance with the Gene Keys and are in need of support in order to access the teachings.
Scholarships are offered for all Gene Keys online courses and programs.


Please note that we do not offer scholarships for live retreats/events, unless it is specifically announced.


While we provide financial support to access the teachings, we also ask each applicant to consider ​how much they can financially contribute to the scholarship they are requesting.


Once the applicant has received a scholarship, they have unlimited access to that course.

If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please fill out the form on this page. Share with us who you are and what your current situation is. This will allow us to support you in the best way possible.


Keep in mind that it may take some time for the Scholarship Team to review your application and respond to your request.

We have a few specific requirements which guide us when allocating scholarships.


Gene Keys Course Scholarships are most often granted to individuals who:

  • have been working with the Gene Keys for at least six months
  • are committed to the journey of learning about the Gene Keys
  • have limited financial resources
  • have a copy of the Gene Keys book
  • have not received a scholarship within the last year


Dream Arc Scholarships may be awarded to those who are new to the Gene Keys and may not have any of the books or previous experience. If you are brand new to these teachings, please share why you are inspired to join the Dream Arc specifically.


Activation Sequence Scholarships are most often granted to people who are very new to the Gene Keys teachings as the first and natural step of the Golden Path program.

For a scholarship for the Guides Programme there are certain prerequisites in place. As it is a program that is teaching us how to share the Gene Keys teachings with others professionally, we are invited to go on a personal journey of learning and embodiment of the teachings before entering into the Guides Programme.   The prerequisite to be eligible for a scholarship for the Guides Programme is to have purchased the Activation Sequence and Venus Sequence online courses and have spent at least 1-2 years with these teachings. These two (online) courses are foundational as well as mandatory for becoming a Gene Keys Guide.   Furthermore, the way we are currently supporting the future Guides is by offering 50% scholarships. Additionally, we ask applicants to commit to donating this amount back to the Gene Keys fund, once they are established as Guides in order to support others in a position of similar need.

There is no option available currently that allows for payment in installments. Once you are approved for a scholarship and receive the coupon, you have to pay the remaining amount (your contribution) in one single payment while purchasing the course.

If you are approved for a scholarship and you receive a coupon for your course, you have up to 6 months to redeem it. After this period, both the coupon and your scholarship will expire.

If your scholarship is for a live event or online retreat, the coupon will expire once all registration for the live event has ended. Online retreats tend to have a one week 'late registration' period for anyone who had technical difficulties during the registration period. Contact to see if registration is still available for the specific retreat. Otherwise, after this registration period is officially closed the scholarship coupon will expire. 

No. You can apply for one online course/program at a time and we encourage you to spend some time with it. Every course is rich in wisdom, depth and it takes quite some time and commitment to dive into it and really start seeing the magic in it.


We are inviting our applicants to be patient and committed to one process, so that you can get most out of it.

If you fulfill the prerequisites but do not receive a scholarship, this means that the number of scholarships that we were able to offer exceeded the amount of scholarships that were available. We encourage you to keep up with the good spirit and reconnect with your trust that everything in life has its own timing. There are plenty of free materials that you can explore​,​ and you can connect with our community here.

You can reapply for a scholarship at a later date.

The Gene Keys Publishing business gives a portion of its own proceeds back to the philanthropic mission, including offering scholarships and discounts to those in need. If you would like to contribute to the Scholarship Fund, you may do so here. We encourage everyone to consider donating back or supporting the Scholarship fund and in this way give other people the opportunity to explore the teachings. Together we create a wave of positive impact in the world. If you wish to support the Scholarship Fund, or Richard Rudd’s and Gene Keys Publishing’s work, you can do so here:


We also welcome any other creative contributions for giving back. For example a written testimonial, visual art, music, sharing something from your unique creative process as you work with the Gene Keys, any volunteering services or offering your insights and ideas.

For some of our online retreats and products, we are experimenting with a different way for our global community to contribute towards the Scholarship Fund.

For example, in the 2024 Pearl Retreat, the Syntropy Tier allows people to 'pay it forward' and donate to the Scholarship Fund. Anyone who adds the $100 option to their purchase will automatically sponsor someone who is currently on our Scholarship Waiting List.

For every person who uses this "Syntropy Tier" ticket price, Gene Keys will triple this contribution and add $300 into the Scholarship Fund.

These additional coupons will go to support randomly chosen scholarship applicants. If instead you would like to sponsor a specific person, please use the Purchase for a Friend option to buy them a ticket directly.

Please note that, that any Syntropy Tier product purchased within 1 week of registration closing will instead be considered a contribution to the general Scholarship Fund for future applications. This is because it takes time to process the final coupons for a live retreat. Your contribution, however, will still be added into the Scholarship Fund for the next event!

Application for Online Course Scholarship Fund

We would like to invite you to fill out this form in the spirit of sharing who you are, describing anything that you feel free to share, which might offer us guidance about your financial and life circumstance and allow us to understand and get to know you. 

  • Please review the above FAQ before submitting an application. 
  • You can expect at least 2 weeks for our Scholarship team to review your application.
  • The below form is NOT for online retreats or the Star Pearl, please see the specific application for those events at the top of the page.
Scholarship Application

Please create a free account and try the "New to the Gene Keys" mini course before applying for a scholarship.

Thank you very much for responding to these questions.

We recognize that asking for financial support can be a sensitive issue and sometimes those who need it most find it difficult to ask. We would also like you to know that there are a limited number of bursaries available but we do honor as many requests as we can.

~The Gene Keys Scholarship Team~