Universal Love Curriculum

Contemplative Teachings for the World

Experience ULC in Action!

Hosted by Samson Turinawe

Friday, February 23rd, 2024, 6 pm UTC

Add the Zoom link to your calendar:


Come experience the Universal Love Curriculum for yourself! Led by Samson Turinawe and the Universal Love Alliance team, you’ll be guided through an experiential deep dive into your unconscious mind to connect with an animal or plant. You’ll then be invited to explore how the wisdom of this being can support you in navigating the daily challenges you face during these rapidly changing times.

This is a rare opportunity to experience the magical joy and wisdom of Samson firsthand, meet members of the ULC team, revitalize our connection to natureleave with ah-hahs and breakthroughs generated from within, and understand the Universal Love Curriculum in a very personal way! There will be journaling and reflection, breakout rooms, group discussion, and time for Q&A. By gathering together with the intention of cultivating new relationships with old challenges and of supporting such an exciting project, we will undoubtedly send ripple effects out into the world and get an empowering, compassionate curriculum into the hands of students in their most formative years!

Sign up below to receive the Zoom link reminder and information about the upcoming webinar and experience some of the magic and wisdom of Samson Turinawe.  

Contemplative & Embodied Teachings for the World
Contribute to a first-of-its-kind educational project in Uganda and help develop a curriculum based on the Gene Keys Dream Arc, Art of Contemplation and Universal Love.


The Universal Love Curriculum is a collaboration between the Gene Keys Syntropy Hub, Samson Turinawe and his colleagues at Universal Love Alliance (ULA) of Uganda, a devoted group of Ugandan Wisdom Keepers and educators, and a global and growing team of Universal Love enthusiasts.

                                          Our Mission

To support the development of the Inner Wisdom Keeper in all students by:

  • Encouraging the celebration of both Universality and Diversity

  • Enlivening and empowering students through reconnection with the richness of their Cultural Roots and Heritage

  • Facilitating embodied learning through Experiential Exercises that provide access to the Power of Nature and Creativity and that cultivate Wholeness and Interconnectedness

Do you feel inspired to volunteer or contribute to this project in some way? Please fill out the form with as much detail and information as possible. A member of the ULC team will be in touch once a potential collaboration role is identified. 

Have a question of the ULC? They have their own team on hand to answer questions you may have about upcoming events, donating, or supporting in other ways. They are a small team, so please allow time for repsonse. They can be reached at universallovecurriculum@gmail.com.

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