Relationship Chemistry

21 types of chemistry - sparks and triggers

Have you ever wondered why some relationships are so easy and others so hard?! Inspired by the Venus Sequence, we look at the 21 possible combinations of relationship chemistry in the human attractor field. Divided into 6 broad categories – Companionship, Passion, Adventurous, Romantic, Orbital and Karmic, you can see the precise nature of your chemistry with any other person, using your Gene Keys Profile. We randomly selected 6 different profiles to review on the live webinar, but you can use the PDF below to decode your own Chemistry Group. Join the upcoming Venus Retreat for more information on the Codes of Chemistry. 

Submit your Partnership Profile

Richard, Tanmayo, & Elijah will randomly select several profiles to explore relationship chemistry live on October 14th. Submit you and your partner's birth data for a chance to a live reading.

Ready to dive deeper?

The next Venus Retreat begins November 2022

The Venus Sequence - 21 types of chemistry - sparks and triggers

Have you ever wondered why some relationships are so easy and others so damn hard?! Inspired by the Venus Sequence, we look at the 21 possible combinations of relationship chemistry in the human attractor field. Divided into 6 broad categories – Companionship, Passion, Adventurous, Romantic, Orbital and Karmic, you can see the precise nature of your chemistry with any other person, using your Gene Keys Profile. 

Submit your Relationship Profile Data

Richard, Elijah, & Tanmayo will randomly select several “Relationship Chemistry Profiles” to share about live on Youtube. Please fill out the Birth Date, Time, City, & country for both you and the other person. To preserve privacy we will not be sharing last names.