July 30th – August 5th 2024

Gene Key 33


Forgetting – Mindfulness – Revelation

This week we contemplate Gene Key 33. Traditionally, this is about going inwards into retreat in order to access the deep wisdom of revelation. Make some time this week for your own inner voyage and see what emerges.

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The main difference between contemplation and either mindfulness or meditation is that contemplation also uses the mind in a proactive way. We make use of mindfulness by inwardly watching our mind, our emotions and body, but with contemplation we are also doing something active. Contemplation engages the power of mind, emotion and body. It fuses and uses their energy to bring about an increased state of self-awareness, freedom and general prosperity. Thus, the real power of contemplation is that it naturally turns into decisive action, and that action brings about fundamental changes in our life…

The Art of Contemplation, Richard Rudd

Meet the Community

Joanne Ellis

This month we would like to introduce you to one of the valued members of our beautiful and diverse global community. Come and meet the inspirational Joanne Ellis – a Gene Keys Guide and Ambassador from Australia.

Meditating with Your Eyes Open ­ ­

How does one contemplate? What is the actual process? Richard Rudd describes his own practice of contemplation and the effects it has on his inner life. This is simple, inspiring and easy for anyone to do – as Richard says: ‘It’s like meditating with your eyes open’ and is well suited to modern lifestyles.

Transform your day with the Art of Contemplation.

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