
Category: Healers-Messengers
Vision Key: Vision of Compassionate Surrender To Mortality
Related Gene Keys: 36/40

I am the Cardinal. There is a folk saying: 'Cardinals appear when Angels are near’. As a messenger, I often appear at auspicious moments in a person’s life. I am drawn by the currents of the Divine Mother to visit beings who often are in the thick of some kind of suffering or overwhelm. My message is one of Grace. Often I also bring news from the departed, or from loved ones who have passed over. The Native Americans have a tradition that 12 days after you have seen me, good fortune will appear. All such messages are part of my purpose.

I come to place a secret envelope in your heart. After I have gone, it is for you to open the message and decipher its meaning. I invite you to remember to be grateful for your life, for those beautiful souls who have come across your path. I also invite you to see your suffering as a path towards truth, and even freedom. I am also a Healer and my Vision is infinite - I carry the healing rose of Divine Love from tree to tree, from person to person and from life to life. Death is a natural door that we all must pass through, and sometimes that also is tinged with sadness.

For such a bright bird, I see a great deal of sadness in the world. I am that flash of brightness in your own heart, that accepts grief and pain as a healing journey of awakening. Compassion is deep within all things. It is the source of being itself. May your healing of the wounds in your life be lined with the blessings of cardinals!

I am Cardinal

by Richard Rudd

A singular fiery flame
Fired from the heart of God Am I.
A Magnificent moment
Woven from the dreams of doves,
Edged in the essence of Love
And all that is best in a life, Am I.

Untouched by death,
Loosed in to the flaming night Am I.
A vermillion meteor
Kissed by countless days
And lives I’ve touched in countless ways,
A message from Spirit, Am I

A singular sacred flame
Alive with the Love of All Am I.
A thunder of laughter
Sculpted from the joy of years
Made warm with the milk of tears,
A child of the world, Am I.

A scarlet shaft of Hope
Here at the dawn of the world was I.
Shining at the heart of all things
Holding your heart in my wings
I am the Cardinal –
Proof of the eternal, Am I.