The Monthly Gazelle

Extra, extra! Heal all about it!
Welcome to the second edition of The Monthly Gazelle, a newsletter for the Dream Arc community and anyone curious to learn more.
We look forward to journeying with you over the coming months guided by the 12 categories of the Dream Arc and beyond into the dreams yet to be dreamt. You will receive inspirational videos, articles, audio and more, including exclusive content not featured in the course. You may enjoy them whether you own the course or not.
We continue our explorations with the Healers, offering radically diverse healing wisdom for mind, emotions, body and soul. Even those who have journeyed deep into healing may find surprises here as Mother gives us what we need.

This month, we will spark some magic from within the Healers category, from its creatures and Wisdom Keepers who work with the theme of healing on all levels of our being. Whether you’re still getting to know the Dream Arc or already immersed in the course and on your quest, as you read, watch and listen, you’ll be able to see how your unique journey weaves within the collective journey of the Dream Arc community. We heal together…
If you are unfamiliar with the 12 categories and what they are about you can watch this video introduction from Rosy Aronson. ‘The 12 Categories’.
Healers Digest
If there’s a part of you that’s in need of healing or nourishment or nurturance or learning how to take good, loving care of yourself, or learning how to even identify what it is that you need in the first place, you’re in the right place. This is your moment to be asking yourself and your Healer friends the big questions:
Is my life sustainable?
How alive do I feel?
Am I still carrying around a wound that’s keeping me from living fully my ‘wild and precious life’?
~ Rosy Aronson
Creatures (Not) Outside the Codex
Get ready to meet the rule breakers, the non-conformists, the creatures that cross-pollinate between categories.
Every month, we will feature a new entry written by Richard Rudd. Perhaps these unique creatures will offer something to the entire Dream Arc community as we turn our attention to them. Perhaps they might inspire you to receive your own unique messages from the creatures.

Art by Anita Inverarity
'Compassion is deep within all things’.
Category: Healers/Messengers
Life Key: Vision of Compassionate Surrender To Mortality
Gene Keys: 36/40
I am the Cardinal. There is a folk saying: 'Cardinals appear when Angels are near’. As a messenger, I often appear at auspicious moments in a person’s life. I am drawn by the currents of the Divine Mother to visit beings who often are in the thick of some kind of suffering or overwhelm. My message is one of Grace. Often I also bring news from the departed, or from loved ones who have passed over. The Native Americans have a tradition that 12 days after you have seen me, good fortune will appear. All such messages are part of my purpose.
I come to place a secret envelope in your heart. After I have gone, it is for you to open the message and decipher its meaning. I invite you to remember to be grateful for your life, for those beautiful souls who have come across your path. I also invite you to see your suffering as a path towards truth, and even freedom. I am also a Journeyer and my Vision is infinite - I carry the rose of Divine Love from tree to tree, and from life to life. Death is a natural door that we all must pass through, and sometimes that also is tinged with sadness.
For such a bright bird, I see a great deal of sadness in the world. I am that flash of brightness in your own heart, that accepts grief and pain as a journey of awakening. Compassion is deep within all things. It is the source of being itself. May your journey through the challenges of your life be lined with the blessings of cardinals!
Animal Trios
with Richard Rudd
As you venture into the Dream Arc, you’ll discover something intriguing: every creature you encounter has two animal partners in different realms (Underworld, Middle World, Upper World). Despite the three distinct realms, there’s a mysterious connection weaving all the creatures together in the entire Dream Arc pantheon. This connection adds a touch of wonder and magic to the experience. Exploring the Dream Arc becomes a healing journey as you realize your attraction to a specific creature, like a Stag, reveals its hidden partnerships in other realms.
Hear From A Healer
In the Healers category, you will find Fear Keys, Life Keys and Vision Keys, each guiding you to a specific theme or challenge in your life. Allow your intuition to guide you to one of the symbols below and allow its guidance to take you on a journey.

Fear of Letting Go
I come to those who are in the process of learning to let go.

Cheerful Equanimity
We are a reminder of the power of family.

Vision of Essential Harmony
Allow yourself to be bewitched by my grace and beauty.
Already working in the Dream Arc?
Healer Synthesis Questions
More to EnjoY

Wisdom Keeper Spotlight
wave Walker
Wave Walker’s lineage is of the Tonges Tribe, which is part of the Tlingit Nation. His language is the Tlingit language (natively Lingít, pronounced [ɬɪ̀nkɪ́tʰ]), in which the name means “People of the Tides.” He is a shaman-healer who walks the path of Peace, Love and Harmony with Bear and Raven by his side. He lives with his wife Carol on Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada.
'In the beginning, on earth, there were forests, an ocean, the sky, the sun, the moon, and all was present, except there were no people on earth. And the Creator said to the Raven, 'Come, and I will show you how to bring people into the earth.' So, Raven came and Creator said, 'Bring a clamshell and open the clamshell.' Raven opened the clamshell, and the Creator put two eggs into the clamshell. And Raven closed the clamshell, put it in the sun for five days. On the fifth day, Raven opened a clamshell and the eggs had hatched, and there were two tiny people in the shell. And that was the beginning of people on earth.'
Wave Walker
'In the beginning, on earth, there were forests, an ocean, the sky, the sun, the moon, and all was present, except there were no people on earth. And the Creator said to the Raven, 'Come, and I will show you how to bring people into the earth.' So, Raven came and Creator said, 'Bring a clamshell and open the clamshell.' Raven opened the clamshell, and the Creator put two eggs into the clamshell. And Raven closed the clamshell, put it in the sun for five days. On the fifth day, Raven opened a clamshell and the eggs had hatched, and there were two tiny people in the shell. And that was the beginning of people on earth.'
Wave Walker
Matthew Ashdown, our Dream Arc Squire, caught up with Wave Walker at his residence on Salt Spring Island, where he had the chance to ask him some questions about his healing work. In the above audio he shares about his healing guides, which includes the Lady of Guadalupe, and others from his own traditions. He also shares inspirational stories of healings he has facilitated over the decades, surprising a few doctors along the way. At 96 he still facilitates the odd healing with his wife Carol.
Into The Mystic - Dream Arc Meditation
Recorded at the Into the Mystic event in Boulder, Colorado, in May 2023, Richard Rudd and Rosy Aronson guide you and the audience through a journey into the realms of the Dream Arc. Tune into a creature for your own guidance at this time.
The Dream Arc course contains an animal codex of 192 creatures all with powerful guidance. Here in the Gazelle, we are giving you a homoeopathic dose of this abundant transmission.
Cicadas Musical Medicine
Cicada is one of the creatures within the Healers category and it offers inspiration of a musical kind. Here, Rosy Aronson shares a short story about how a recommendation from Richard Rudd inspired her to listen to a song from Sinead O’Connor that helped her greatly on her healing journey. It may just be a song for you, too! As it happens, this year there are two broods of Cicadas surfacing, resulting in the emergence of billions of Cicadas. So Cicada medicine may be needed this year.
Generosity & the Great Change
Watch the replay of our recent live webinar, Generosity & the Great Change, to help launch our current Syntropy campaign, the Universal Love Curriculum (ULC). Richard Rudd, Rosy Aronson and the ULC team shared the concept of Syntropy from the Gene Keys, talked about how the ULC is bringing the teachings of the Gene Keys and Dream Arc to children in Uganda.
Community Contributions
The Ugly Cry by Anabel Vizcarra

The ugly cry is a cry of liberation.
It is the reclamation of our forgotten ability and natural need, to wail and lament.
This inner wisdom comes to us when what pains us hurts too much to be contained or explained.
Anabel Vizcarra will be one of three core hosts, along with Maria Hoffman and Mark Bentley, of the upcoming Gene Keys Activation Retreat in February.
Polar Bear Dreaming by Tanmayo M
Polar Bear was one of the Dreamer creatures in the previous Gazelle. Tanmayo M has been working with it for some time now on her Dream Arc journey, and has created this gorgeous animation and music. We think you will be moved.
Dreamy Dialogues with James Pretlove
In this month’s inaugural Dreamy Dialogues with Martyn and Kasia, we meet James Pretlove. James is a workshop facilitator, writer and performer. This last strand to his life is the most recent, added in response to his mother’s death by suicide in 2018. His one-man show, Seventy-Eight Thank Yous, received critical acclaim at last year’s Edinburgh Festival.
‘Prosper together, rather than separately. Take your individual dreams and build them into the collective dream. Let go of the old. Take as many with you as you can into the new world.’ ~ Dolphin

Dreamscapes with Amy Wharton
Amy Wharton’s dreamscapes are the beaches of Kealakekua Bay, on the big Island of Hawaii. Here, she introduces us to her watery temple, swimming amongst the spinner dolphins that make their home off the shores. Listen to her inspiring poetry with the backdrop of the dolphins communicating and the music of Onedoorland.
Dream Arc Events
Share your journey in a safe a collaborative a creative space
Our weekly Clubhouse gatherings are open to the public – see you there!

Special thanks to artist Anita Inverarity
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I feel honoured to have your support on this journey!
Much love and gratitude x
Thank you, Sheena!