
Category: Warriors-Unifiers
Life Key: Collective Warrior Wisdom
Related Gene Keys: 38/48

I am Walrus. My people are of an ancient lineage that pre-dates many of the great ice ages. We are known for our resilience and our powerful ocean wisdom. Our collective ancestral spirit holds the memory of times far, far beyond human memory, and the oldest stories of your people tell of us coming from the lands beyond the Aurora.

We come as balancers. With our great tusks we stir up the seabed, releasing hidden nutrients that feed countless other tiny creatures. Despite our great bulk, we are agile beneath the waves and thus have two distinct sides. Consider this in relation to your own lives – how will you harmonise the warrior with the peacemaker/unifier? We entreat you to find a cause where human injustice must be challenged and practical solutions found to help those in need.

We Walruses also draw great power from our collectivity. We travel in huge numbers, but at the same time are elusive. How can you work together in synergistic ways and yet still use subtlety and a soft touch? Walruses are also about recognition. Personal power sometimes needs to demand recognition. Do not be afraid of showing your power and displaying your achievements. Let this not come from your ego’s need for recognition, but from a healthy place of solid self-esteem.

My people are said to be formed from the severed fingers of the Inuit sea goddess Sedna, who was punished by her father and banished forever to the bottom of the sea. Contemplate this myth and its wound in your own life. How will you rise back to the surface with the power of the walrus, to claim your birthright in the world? Let go of your guilt, your rage and your resentment towards the patriarchy. Use that same energy for your own healing and insist on being fully valued.

Finally, engage the deep sensitivity of my people. We may have thick skin, but our powerful whiskers allow us to locate invisible objects and prey in difficult or murky conditions. Be careful that you do not mistake your resilience for self-harm. You are much more sensitive than you realise, and this is both your great strength and your Achilles heel. In all things, respect balance – for true strength is always a balancing act between love for others and love for yourself.

The Myth of Sedna

In this audio clip from a longer webinar, we hear Alison Duhanna, Gene Keys Guide & Astrologer, recounting the Inuit myth of Sedna, including some sharing from her own experience of living in South Africa during the Apartheid era.Â