Amy Wharton

USA – Centreville, Maryland

I am a multiverse of heaven and earth, a lover of the mystical, a playful ocean of being, and a devoted instrument of the heart. My work is an evolving synthesis of initiation, celebration, and forest-bathing. As a facilitator of healing journeys, I’m inspired to co-create spaces for personal and planetary empowerment. Through sonic harmonics and compassion in action, I aim to nurture alignment with nature and alchemize an ecstatic remembrance of our pure, perfect essence. My background is in shamanism, Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism, yoga, astrology, and psychology, but the Gene Keys transmission has become my greatest ally in embodying the medicine within and reclaiming my visionary gifts as a writer, weaver, dancer, and dreamer. I’m humbled and grateful to help steward this collective wisdom and witness the genius of synarchy unfolding.

Services Offered

    • Informed and enriched by the Gene Keys, I offer shamanic journeying, consultation & integration support; sound healing; end-of-life care & advocacy; guided swims with wild dolphins; and seasonal group retreats.
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