Camelia Misiriantu

Cluj, Romania

I am a person in love with life, nature and people. I love to dive deep within the study of archetypes and the subtle part, the mysteries of life. Therefore, I was attracted to the study of Gene Keys, Human Design, Tarot as a means of self-awareness, the codes from the Mayan Calendar, Essential Oils, etc. I feel drawn to share this wisdom as a way of supporting people to align with the principles of nature and of life’s intelligence. Once we understand that we are each part of the same organism and that we are all interconnected we can collaborate easier to build the world that we would love to live in and our children to grow, to bring Heaven on Earth, which I feel it is a really pragmatic objective.

Services Offered

Individual & couple sessions; Working with parents to understand their children;
I share the Activation Sequence as an initiation and a foundation for anchoring the Gene Keys Transmission into the body.
More and more, I feel called to work with business people to help them harmonize their business and to create sustainable businesses, where every person of the team is fulfilled by their job, is seen and valued.

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