Corinna Mainberger


Female, born 1964 in Germany, having moved to then UK more than 20 years ago.
I am a Nutritionist and Naturopath, having always had a very strong interest in finding the deepest ‘reasons’ of our dis-eases of life, our/ my purpose and the spiritual aspects of existence.
Nov. 2016 was introduced to then Genekeys system.
Did the 1st round of the Ambassador programme in 2018.
Currently exploring how to ‘fuse’ my current work with patients on a 1:1 basis with GKs, and how to profoundly deepen and expand my own and their spiritual growth via the GK system.

Services Offered

    • Working with patients on a 1:1 basis offering Naturopathy and Nutritional Medicine.
    • Within this framework of private healthcare sessions I facilitate an introduction to the GK system.

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