Frida Arevik

Sweden – Häradsbäck

Frida moves in the intersection of social- and environmental Justice and spirituality – as an experienced organiser, communicator and facilitator, as well as a lover of the mystic and a Gene Keys Ambassador. Her 3:5 profile has woven her path from coal mine blockades and anti-oppression trainings, to Buddhist community living and deep immersion in the Gene Keys, astrology and I Ching. Throughout Frida’s variety of experiences she is searching for the sweet spot of creating change in the outer world which is in alignment with the inner essence – a constant dance between acting and pausing to listen inwards. Frida is passionate about guiding people towards Liberating their true essence and authentic purpose. A path which always starts in the present moment and in that which is in front of us right now. She lives deep in the forest in Sweden and finds her grounding in the trees and the lakes surrounding her.

Services Offered

    • Gene Keys introduction and guidance in Swedish and English. Sessions are 90 minutes long and donation based.
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