Jari Kivimäki

Tampere, Finland

Jari discovered in his early ages the huge difference between the separated and coordinated mind-body. Ever since he has dedicated the last 30 years of his life to unify the principles of mind and body.

The foundation of this deep journey is based on the learning methodology of martial arts and specifically Aikido. Both the Gene Keys and Aikido have the purpose to open the spiritual heart on permanent basis and also enable the phenomenon called heart coherence. Heart coherence is linked to increased intuition and overall access to unused potential of mind and emotions, their equilibrium and controllability.

Jari is combining Aikido and Gene Keys teachings to walk talk what is the real heart driven purpose of business. Nowadays he is enthusiastic holistic business thinker whose agenda is to co-create and represent the new more successful eco-systemic ways of doing business than the old greed-driven business models.

Services Offered

    • Discussion sessions
      – Be the CEO of your Life

Contact – jarikk22@gmail.com

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