Hear the amazing story about our Gene Keys Delta Program as it was recently introduced en masse to the famous Auroville Community, based on the teachings of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, in India.

Videos & Text coming soon

A first feedback on the Delta course (first round)

It is with immense gratitude that I try to encapsulate in a few insufficient words the gift that the Delta has meant, and continues to mean to me.

The simplest way in which I would summarise the Delta is to call it a Sacred Journey.

As an aspirant to the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Mother, their teachings are usually more than sufficient to me, and I do not look for anything outside. And yet, when our dear friend Natasha spoke of the Delta, something deep inside me responded with an immediate Yes. The most immediate attraction for me was its collective dimension, the prospect of a regular deep sharing with fellow Aurovilians, something that has been rare in our community so far, and which I had been missing all along.

Once entered the process, I loved and appreciated the double focus on the individual and our collective journey, perfectly integrated and in balance.

Throughout the journey I felt held, supported, and guided, while at the same time left free to explore the dimension in focus with my own sense of truth…

I was literally looking forward to the next Delta meeting throughout the whole week!

Every position felt just so ‘right’, as a gift, even though I felt that (pressurised as we are in this period by the intense demands of the crisis Auroville is facing) I was only just dipping my toes into the water of an infinite richness. Each time I had a feeling of ‘falling in love’ with the position I was in, with the sense of a deep wisdom guiding the process.

The time given for each position felt too short, I felt I was not honouring it enough and would have loved to spend two weeks or even a month in each position. While it was often with a sense of attachment and of reluctance that I would move on into the next position, as soon as the shift was done, there was a sense of it being the perfectly logical next step, each new position growing organically out of the previous one…

I much appreciated the audios, particularly those on the gene keys (which spoke to me more immediately and were more ‘accessible’ than the longer written texts on the same gene keys). What a joy, what a gift to be given at last some true keys to address the shadows in our human nature that are longing to be recognised and transformed… In fact, very often as soon as I would enter a position, I got faced with everything that contradicts it in my nature!! which I spontaneously welcomed as a blessing. I resonated with many jewels from those rich introductions and can’t wait to return back to them, as I feel I only just started the discoveries and the journey…

I was amazed again and again how amazingly life responds to the Delta, bringing up exactly – often very intensely! – the experiences inviting the intended learning at each step. And not only individually, but we experienced this also collectively. A small example: The person on position 7 was facing a financial shortage; her learning was to learn to trust and to open up to divine Grace, while for the person in position 1 the obvious step was to provide some material grounding by dealing with finances (a pos. 1 task), and offering a small step towards a fairer distribution of resources… In this way, the Delta led us organically beyond the inner dimension (of feeling at one with each other inwardly) into a concrete action of solidarity on the material plane. I believe this is one of the blessings of doing the Delta in an intentional community, and our experience was only a first step of so much more that is waiting to unfold…

During ‘integration week’, I did as suggested, simply letting go of any particular focus, just allowing life to unfold. To my amazement, I received a huge gift of ‘integration’! An unexpected visit by a small group of South Africans, deeply engaged in the healing and transformation of my ‘adoptive’ country, allowed me at last to integrate the different ‘lives’ I had lived in the three countries shared between us.
(We discovered that we were probably the only two couples on the planet that got married thrice, in the same three countries, South Africa, Canada and India! ☺ ) The visit of Jay, Lucie and Rutendo, who felt instantly and deeply ‘family’ with a profound sense of kinship, healed for me at last the sense of having ‘abandoned’ South Africa and my commitment towards the country’s healing when we had to move away… What a blessing of integration in the most unexpected way!

Needless to say that when we were offered to embark on another round of the Delta journey, I signed up for the next available flight! Our groups were reshuffled, and while tuning in with a new team, I am still missing the meetings with my previous group, having developed a sense of deep connection and oneness. But since we are
part of the same community, I trust that the divine magic will keep unfolding and spreading, allowing us to unfold and discover more and more he sense of truly being one large family, children of the Mother united in Her infinite Love.

Jasmin, Auro Orchard, Auroville (February 2023)

Auroville Deltas

Thank you for sharing the Delta experience with us. I’m sharing my reflections over it, which I hope you will
find of any value.

My main goal in the Delta, which I did with few members of my community, was to be able to meet those
people who I meet regularly, but in a different form, out of our habitual ways of relating. In that sense the
words “Game” and “Dance” were very appealing to me.

The Delta has started in a very sensitive period of time, when those relationships were very delicate
anyway. During the course of the Delta, (regardless the Delta maybe not?) it got into turbulence, which we
didn’t mange to over come yet.

I am trying to get an understanding about that space which the Delta has been creating for us, but I
couldn’t find any clarity about that. Things in our community are still very difficult at the moment and I
hope that is being worked in levels which I cannot yet see.

Along the way, I could really appreciate the group sessions, making us to meet, express and listen, even
when we have preferred to avoid it. And in particular the times when I just sat and listen, the moments I
managed to keep my presence open and not to fall into judgements.

I am gratefull for little precious moments of connections.

Though it seems to me it didn’t help “fixing” it was definitely worth way of trying.

Thank you for your offering,


Dear Richard and Pia,

Here are some observations – thoughts on my first Delta Program held in Auroville:

I started the Delta with the 6th position, the higher mind, and while I was meditating/contemplating I went a bit higher than the head, and I could feel how my consciousness changed as I was not anymore in the mind. That was kind of new for me and now I would like my consciousness be there all the time. It quiets so much the mind.

I experience Contemplation as a subtle dance, sometimes chaotic, between gifts and shadows. I feel they are supported by the Siddhi.

To be aware of my shadows and accept them is very liberating, my thoughts changed, all changed.

At some point I was aware that my traumas and difficulties are also collective, and that I am also influenced by those collective traumas.

It brought me some awareness of the collective thoughts and emotions. We are all connected, one.

More consciousness brings deeper awareness of the effect of my thoughts and emotions on the body and also on others.

The Delta program helped me to develop intimacy with my soul and with all that is alive.

I became aware of important illusions I have and let them go.

There is a place in my being where my heart is always open; I would like to be there always.

I feel my consciousness has expanded in different ways with each position of the Delta. This led
me to a bit more clarity, harmony and honesty in my thinking, feelings and doings.

The Delta creates a gentle bond and a unity among the participants and gives more real

There is something, a mysterious force in the Gene Keys, they are full of surprises.

I want to do another Delta but first I want to go through my hologenetic profile.

Thank you so much for your help and huge generosity. With time I am sure it will help Auroville.
