Meet Daniel
Every now and then on the Pulse, we like to introduce a member of our wonderfully diverse Gene Keys global community. We ask each person to share how they met the Gene Keys, what impact it is having in their lives and where it is leading them. It’s wonderful to see how deeply the Gene Keys are affecting different places and communities in the world through the lens of our beautiful friends. This month, we’d like to introduce Daniel Holeman, Gene Keys Guide and Ambassador.
Like many, I had an unhealthy family life as a child and was looking for answers and resolution as a teenager in the 1960s. At 15 years old I was reading Alan Watts (who introduced me to the I Ching) and was fascinated by the prospects of expanded consciousness with psychedelics and Eastern Philosophy. Expanded states gave me a taste of possibility, but they did not resolve my personal problems and I became intent on finding the help I felt I needed. I remember going around telling my friends and anyone who would listen, ‘We are all One and our individual self is just an illusion!’
For decades I explored cults, spiritual practices, self-inquiry systems and anything that sparked my curiosity. I had lots of valuable insights and experiences too numerous to list, but after many years I concluded that Shadow Work was the missing step in most systems and in my life. After visiting expanded realms I would always come back to my human problems. Around the turn of the century, my main interests were Shamanic Astrology (which embraces Shadow work as well as the importance of integrating the Feminine qualities within) and the Enneagram (which describes the lower and higher octaves of personal qualities).
In 2010 a friend, David Kitts, turned me on to Human Design. Although I found it complex, I explored it for several months and kept hearing about this ‘amazing’ book The Gene Keys. I bought the big white book and found that Richard’s words spoke deeply to me, validating my own conclusions and adding some new ones. It felt that I had found my Transmission that would take me home, so to speak, and it appealed to my 57 (Sun) ‘Clarity’ that I have three times in my chart.
The Gene Keys turned out to also provide the most effective tool for me to help others with their spiritual paths, which aligned with my Purpose 54.4 – assisting others to aspire to their highest possibility and self-realization. Among so many valuable teachings in the Gene Keys transmission, I really appreciated the Spectrum of Consciousness (Shadow, Gift, Siddhi being the same quality but at different frequencies), the clarity and emphasis of the Feminine Principle within us all regardless of gender, and the articulation of Unity Consciousness as the foundation of our existence.
After a couple of years of connecting with others who were interested and hosting study groups, the Golden Path began to roll out. That map and compass were the ‘Motherload’ – treasure beyond measure! As a visual artist, my creativity exploded and I felt a strong clarity and the Core Stability that I had always longed for.

Daniel Holeman – Gene Keys Ambassador and Guide.
I absolutely loved Richard for his wisdom and also for his role modeling such a humble, gracious presence. I got to know him by attending the Seven Sacred Seals Retreat in Canada, the Venus Sequence Retreat in Romania, and the Star Pearl Retreat at Findhorn Scotland. Such a blessing! I also found the most incredible International Gene Keys Community, my tribe which I have come to love dearly. These are folks who are taking more responsibility for their Shadow and behavior, rather than projecting it onto others as is so common in the general population.
I became a Gene Keys Ambassador and Guide, and I offer guidance at every opportunity. I’m so delighted to hear people tell me how it has changed their lives. I have also been making Gene Keys Calendars (with my artwork) for the last few years where people enjoy tracking the movements of the Keys and Astrological events. I also co-host the Gene Keys Clubhouse room ‘Gene Keys and the Solar Plexus’. And recently I bought some off-grid acreage to co-create a Gene Keys eco-community as a healthy haven and model for sustainable permaculture-based living.
I welcome connection and community with those of like mind and invite all to visit my website at www.AwakenVisions.com
Like many, I had an unhealthy family life as a child and was looking for answers and resolution as a teenager in the 1960s. At 15 years old I was reading Alan Watts (who introduced me to the I Ching) and was fascinated by the prospects of expanded consciousness with psychedelics and Eastern Philosophy. Expanded states gave me a taste of possibility, but they did not resolve my personal problems and I became intent on finding the help I felt I needed. I remember going around telling my friends and anyone who would listen, ‘We are all One and our individual self is just an illusion!’
For decades I explored cults, spiritual practices, self-inquiry systems and anything that sparked my curiosity. I had lots of valuable insights and experiences too numerous to list, but after many years I concluded that Shadow Work was the missing step in most systems and in my life. After visiting expanded realms I would always come back to my human problems. Around the turn of the century, my main interests were Shamanic Astrology (which embraces Shadow work as well as the importance of integrating the Feminine qualities within) and the Enneagram (which describes the lower and higher octaves of personal qualities).

Daniel Holeman – Gene Keys Ambassador and Guide.
In 2010 a friend, David Kitts, turned me on to Human Design. Although I found it complex, I explored it for several months and kept hearing about this ‘amazing’ book The Gene Keys. I bought the big white book and found that Richard’s words spoke deeply to me, validating my own conclusions and adding some new ones. It felt that I had found my Transmission that would take me home, so to speak, and it appealed to my 57 (Sun) ‘Clarity’ that I have three times in my chart.
The Gene Keys turned out to also provide the most effective tool for me to help others with their spiritual paths, which aligned with my Purpose 54.4 – assisting others to aspire to their highest possibility and self-realization. Among so many valuable teachings in the Gene Keys transmission, I really appreciated the Spectrum of Consciousness (Shadow, Gift, Siddhi being the same quality but at different frequencies), the clarity and emphasis of the Feminine Principle within us all regardless of gender, and the articulation of Unity Consciousness as the foundation of our existence.
After a couple of years of connecting with others who were interested and hosting study groups, the Golden Path began to roll out. That map and compass were the ‘Motherload’ – treasure beyond measure! As a visual artist, my creativity exploded and I felt a strong clarity and the Core Stability that I had always longed for.
I absolutely loved Richard for his wisdom and also for his role modeling such a humble, gracious presence. I got to know him by attending the Seven Sacred Seals Retreat in Canada, the Venus Sequence Retreat in Romania, and the Star Pearl Retreat at Findhorn Scotland. Such a blessing! I also found the most incredible International Gene Keys Community, my tribe which I have come to love dearly. These are folks who are taking more responsibility for their Shadow and behavior, rather than projecting it onto others as is so common in the general population.
I became a Gene Keys Ambassador and Guide, and I offer guidance at every opportunity. I’m so delighted to hear people tell me how it has changed their lives. I have also been making Gene Keys Calendars (with my artwork) for the last few years where people enjoy tracking the movements of the Keys and Astrological events. I also co-host the Gene Keys Clubhouse room ‘Gene Keys and the Solar Plexus’. And recently I bought some off-grid acreage to co-create a Gene Keys eco-community as a healthy haven and model for sustainable permaculture-based living.
I welcome connection and community with those of like mind and invite all to visit my website at www.AwakenVisions.com
Like many, I had an unhealthy family life as a child and was looking for answers and resolution as a teenager in the 1960s. At 15 years old I was reading Alan Watts (who introduced me to the I Ching) and was fascinated by the prospects of expanded consciousness with psychedelics and Eastern Philosophy. Expanded states gave me a taste of possibility, but they did not resolve my personal problems and I became intent on finding the help I felt I needed. I remember going around telling my friends and anyone who would listen, ‘We are all One and our individual self is just an illusion!’
For decades I explored cults, spiritual practices, self-inquiry systems and anything that sparked my curiosity. I had lots of valuable insights and experiences too numerous to list, but after many years I concluded that Shadow Work was the missing step in most systems and in my life. After visiting expanded realms I would always come back to my human problems. Around the turn of the century, my main interests were Shamanic Astrology (which embraces Shadow work as well as the importance of integrating the Feminine qualities within) and the Enneagram (which describes the lower and higher octaves of personal qualities).
In 2010 a friend, David Kitts, turned me on to Human Design. Although I found it complex, I explored it for several months and kept hearing about this ‘amazing’ book The Gene Keys. I bought the big white book and found that Richard’s words spoke deeply to me, validating my own conclusions and adding some new ones. It felt that I had found my Transmission that would take me home, so to speak, and it appealed to my 57 (Sun) ‘Clarity’ that I have three times in my chart.
The Gene Keys turned out to also provide the most effective tool for me to help others with their spiritual paths, which aligned with my Purpose 54.4 – assisting others to aspire to their highest possibility and self-realization. Among so many valuable teachings in the Gene Keys transmission, I really appreciated the Spectrum of Consciousness (Shadow, Gift, Siddhi being the same quality but at different frequencies), the clarity and emphasis of the Feminine Principle within us all regardless of gender, and the articulation of Unity Consciousness as the foundation of our existence.
After a couple of years of connecting with others who were interested and hosting study groups, the Golden Path began to roll out. That map and compass were the ‘Motherload’ – treasure beyond measure! As a visual artist, my creativity exploded and I felt a strong clarity and the Core Stability that I had always longed for.
I absolutely loved Richard for his wisdom and also for his role modeling such a humble, gracious presence. I got to know him by attending the Seven Sacred Seals Retreat in Canada, the Venus Sequence Retreat in Romania, and the Star Pearl Retreat at Findhorn Scotland. Such a blessing! I also found the most incredible International Gene Keys Community, my tribe which I have come to love dearly. These are folks who are taking more responsibility for their Shadow and behavior, rather than projecting it onto others as is so common in the general population.
I became a Gene Keys Ambassador and Guide, and I offer guidance at every opportunity. I’m so delighted to hear people tell me how it has changed their lives. I have also been making Gene Keys Calendars (with my artwork) for the last few years where people enjoy tracking the movements of the Keys and Astrological events. I also co-host the Gene Keys Clubhouse room ‘Gene Keys and the Solar Plexus’. And recently I bought some off-grid acreage to co-create a Gene Keys eco-community as a healthy haven and model for sustainable permaculture-based living.
I welcome connection and community with those of like mind and invite all to visit my website at www.AwakenVisions.com

Daniel Holeman – Gene Keys Ambassador and Guide.
Community Spotlight

Joanne Ellis
Guide & Ambassador – Gold Coast QLD, Australia

BJ Garcia
Guide & Ambassador – Texas, USA

Daniel Regan
Guide & Ambassador – Byron Bay, Australia