Approach & Values for Live Events

Forum & Live Event Guidelines

If you participate in a forum, chat room, or live event, we ask you for your agreement to these Values:

  • Please respect each other in word & action
  • Hold in confidence what is shared
  • Avoid giving unsolicited advice
  • Avoid posting marketing or promotional materials to outside events or services, except in designated areas
  • Share from your personal feelings/experience only
  • Please keep your discussions specific to the Gene Keys retreat you are currently participating in
  • Observe feeling/emotions that may arise as opportunities for contemplation and expansion. 

The Role of our Hosts 

The primary purpose of our Hosts is to model the Gene Keys Approach. Hosts foster a culture of friendship and warmth, inspire self-inquiry and listen with humility and respect to the issues and questions that may arise in the group. Whilst our Hosts will do their utmost to support the whole group journey from a place of compassion, they are not able to provide any form of therapeutic support. 


Participants will not be recorded during live events, unless with their expressed permission and consent. Some live events may have recording enabled for the panelists and presenters, but no image of participants will be used in this manor. We do not allow the use of third-party apps to record during hosted events or breakout rooms, to honor privacy and security. Chat Room transcripts are saved and recorded. Your participation in the chat room or Q&A box may include the record of your chosen Zoom name and the text you provided. 


Engaging with the Gene Keys materials is a personal journey of investigation and exploration. Your participation in this programme is your acceptance that we do not provide any type of psychological, therapeutic support or other professional advice. You are fully responsible for your own wellbeing, choices and actions.  Terms & ConditionsPrivacy Policy

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