Polar Bear

Category: Dreamers
Life Key: Courageous Idealism
Dream Arc Partners: Pheasant / Carp
Related Gene Key: 11

I am Polar bear. I ripple with the dream-mystery of the Far North. In my bones I hold the mystical secrets of the Aurora. Alone I wander the great wastes of time and space. You too, are like me. For millennia you have wandered the skies of existence. Draw strength from your aloneness. This is my first lesson. Whenever you feel alone, look up at the night skies and you will see your ancestors, your true people. One day, when your current incarnation ends, you will be reunited with these beings who love you so deeply. So draw strength and courage from this knowing that you are never truly alone. Pull your dream-blanket around your shoulders and feel warmed by this knowing.