Healer Synthesis Questions
Click on the icon of the Category you’re in right now (below), and you’ll find a few questions that are specifically designed to help you unite your individual quest with our collective theme. Have fun!
If you don’t yet have the Dream Arc course, discover more about the categories here.Â
Warrior Possibilities:
If you were a true Warrior for Healing, what would you do? Who would you do it with? Where would you go?
Is there a war taking place inside of you that is in need of healing? Dedicate yourself to making peace within.
What healing process — in your life, in your relationships, in the world — is worth fighting for?

Warrior Questions
Hunter Possibilities:
Go on a hunt for a much-needed healing remedy or experience. (Be open to surprise!)
Hunt for someone in need of healing, and if they are open, offer them what you can.
Think of a time when a deeply healing experience fell in your lap (or hunted you down).

Hunter Questions
Laugher Possibilities:
Think of a time when you were healed by laughter.
The next time you feel low or are in need of healing, seek someone or something out that makes you laugh. (e.g., a silly friend, a funny movie, a laughing meditation class, etc.)
See if you can make someone laugh today, and stay open to the possibility that one or both of you will experience healing as a result.

Laugher Questions
Leaper Possibilities:
Think of a time in your life when you took a leap and experienced a deep healing.
Is there a healing experience that — deep down — you know you need, but you're afraid of taking the leap? If you're not ready for the big leap, is there a mini-leap (or baby step) you are willing to take?
Do you have a gift for healing that you haven't fully acknowledged or developed? What is one simple way you can honor this gift?

Leaper Questions
Journeyer Possiblities:
Go on a healing journey. Let your intuitive body lead the way.
Think about your life journey so far. What would you say have been three of your most healing experiences?
Journey into your day with the intention of bringing healing wherever you go, whoever you're with.

Journeyer Questions
Healer Possibilities:
1. Are you still carrying around a wound that's keeping you from living life fully?
2. What modality of healing could best support you at this time? Are you most in need of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual healing?Â
3. What are the most healing places in the natural environments near your home? When can you next visit them?Â

Healer Questions
Guardian Possibilities:
- Who do you consider to be one of your most healing Guardians? (Your Guardian could be a person, an animal, an aspect of nature, or an emanation of Spirit.)
- Where are you most in need of healing? Which Guardian would be best suited to support your healing journey?
- Who in your life is in need of healing? Is there a way you can be their secret Guardian?

Guardian Questions
Unifier Possibilities:
Where do you feel most fragmented within yourself, or in your life? What kind of healing process could help unify your different parts?
Remember a time when you felt deeply connected to everyone and everything. Where were you? Who were you with? How might you invite in even more unifying experiences like the one you remember?
In a world of division, where does your heart most yearn to see and feel Unity? Think of one simple action you can take to heal a place of separation.

Unifier Questions
Dreamer Possibilities:
Have you ever experienced a healing dream — waking or sleeping?
What do you dream of healing in your life?
What healing dream do you hold in your heart for Gaia and all of Her inhabitants?

Dreamer Questions
Messenger Possibilities:
What is the most healing message you've ever received?
Offer a message of healing to someone you love today.
Stay open to a healing message, and see what (or who) comes.

Messenger Questions
Changer Possibilities:
Have you ever made a change in your life that resulted in a significant healing? What was it?
Is it time to change your approach to healing?
If there were a healing prayer in your heart for all of humanity as we move through The Great Change, what would it be? How can you embody and emanate that prayer in your everyday life?

Changer Questions
Trickster Possibilities:
Have you ever received the healing that you needed, but not the one that you wanted?
Think of an old emotional wound. What are you always telling yourself that you should do in order to heal that wound. Now give yourself permission not to do it, or to do something else, and see what happens!
Find an area in your life where you tend to put a whole lot of energy and attention, or a quality that you've probably overly-developed. Now ask yourself, "What have I been neglecting in the meantime?" Invite yourself to switch your focus for a period of time. Work those muscles you don't tend to use. If you tend to be soft and flexible, cultivate your core strength. If you tend to talk a lot, try listening. See if an unexpected healing occurs.

Trickster Questions