
Category: Unifiers
Fear Key: The Fear of Being Lost
Dream Arc Partners: Hen / Cow
Related Gene Key: 2

I throw up these deep, collective patterns of fear so that you may meet your essence fully, that you may look the Dark Mother in the eye and transform all your fear into love. Sometimes I use grief, sometimes I use doubt, sometimes I use pure darkness just to test the limits of your soul. Therefore be clear – this is an initiation of soul. This cuts deeper than a single lifetime, and involves karmic forces held in your DNA on behalf of the whole. Pain is not to be feared – rather, it is to be felt and released.

To surrender to me is to be reborn. Take courage then, little one, for I have come for you. I have come to unite you with the Great Mother and offer you your rightful place in the eternal circle of harmony.

Special thanks to contributor Amy Wharton