January 28th – February 2nd 2024

Gene Key 19


Co-dependence – Sensitivity – Sacrifice

This week we contemplate Gene Key 19 – the Gift of Sensitivity. This Key is going through a lot of mutation right now, and is opening us up to deeper levels of vulnerability, as well as sensitivity to other realms and dimensions. Be gentle with yourself this week!

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New to the Gene Keys Open Calls

Curious about the Gene Keys? Want to know more about where to begin, how to go deeper or discover the next step on your voyage? Join Mark Bentley and Jesse Chesnutt for new weekly events specially suited to those who are new to the Gene Keys transmission and community.

Come and try it out for yourself! 
February 1st at 4am UTC

Embrace Your Evolution on Clubhouse

Tune in to Embrace Your Evolution with Gene Keys Ambassadors Mark Bentley and Maria Hoffman. In this session, they will explore the potent evolutionary magic concealed within the Activation Sequence of your Hologenetic Profile. This livestream conversation is a taster of what’s to come in the upcoming Activation Sequence Online Retreat.

Free on Clubhouse, January 30th at 9am UTC.

Transforming Co-dependence

In this video, Richard Rudd tackles a universal theme that arises in every relationship once the honeymoon period subsides and the underlying shadows emerge, creating patterns of negative co-dependence. With delicate compassion, Richard elucidates how a willing partnership can move through a potent transformation. Some will succeed and others not. The secret is to use the process for one’s spiritual growth, to deepen intimacy, and expand your courage and capacity to love and let go.

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