April 28th – May 3rd 2023

Gene Key 24


Addiction – Invention – Silence

This week we encounter Gene Key 24. You can observe your mind this week to see through its addictive patterns. Try some form of creativity to move beyond these patterns. And drop into the silence of the pause. You’ll be delighted that you did!

This audio is no longer available to stream. Click below to purchase, or listen to the latest free audio contemplation in the current Pulse.

The Ecstasy of Silence

Cold Mountain

A wild Taoist hermit poet who lived at the borders of recorded history, Cold Mountain left his poems inscribed on rocks in the silent valleys of Southern China. Here Richard uses Cold Mountain as a springboard into the famed Rivers and Mountains poetic lineage of Ancient China. This contemplation probes the depths of those mountain silences, a masterful monologue that drops one deep into the echoing silence of the heart of being.

Join Richard on this free audio adventure into the realm of The Ecstatics (full series).

Art of Contemplation 1

Harvesting Pauses

‘A day filled with pauses is a calm and measured day’. In this video, Richard Rudd challenges us to harvest as many pauses as we can in each day. The power of a pause is incalculable – it generates more efficiency in our work, more clarity in our thinking, more relaxation in our body and more compassion in our relating. This teaching will show you how to bring the magic of contemplation into every corner of your life. Learn more about the Art of Contemplation here.

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