October 25th – 31st 2023

Gene Key 28


Purposelessness – Totality – Immortality

This week we open our hearts to the truth of death. Use this precious moment to contemplate and connect with those who have passed on, and to our own undying, eternal nature. Live for the moment with passion and purpose, and open to the great mystery of death and rebirth.

This audio is no longer available to stream. Click below to purchase, or listen to the latest free audio contemplation in the current Pulse.

The Triple Flame Updated!

Begin your practice of pausing for contemplation with our newly updated and free Triple Flame app.

Bursting with guided musical meditations by Richard Rudd, this is a wonderful way to build a practise with the Gene Keys and stay connected to our wonderful global community.

We hope you enjoy the new features in this latest update:

  • New music selections & longer musical meditations now available in the Journey tab.
  • New cosmic clock – pause at magical times of the day: 11:11, 12:12 etc…
  • New custom sounds and quotes
  • Extended privacy controls

There are now 17.3 K users!

Golden Path Open Call

Explore the Gene Key of your Core Wound

Join Tanmayo and Jesse as they journey into the heart of the Venus Sequence with special guest and fellow Guide Howard Hunt. This week they dive into the sphere of the Core Wound. We each come into the world with a Core Wound, passed on at the point of conception in our ancestral DNA. Find out which of the six you carry… repression, denial, shame, rejection, guilt or separation. The healing of the core wound supports your deepest talent.

These free online sessions happen bi-weekly and are open to everyone, whether completely new to the synthesis or a long-time traveller. Join us live this Thursday, October 26 at 8 pm UTC, and sign up to be notified of upcoming topics, hosts and replays here.

‘It is through our wound that love comes to earth. It is about seeing all the expressions of love in all their rainbow colours and accepting them utterly.’
– Richard Rudd

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