We are delighted to announce that this April we will be launching our Pearl Online Retreat, our second live event this year. Registration is open and will close on March 31st. This retreat is a great opportunity for newcomers and returning voyagers to dive into the Gene Keys teachings inside a supportive four-month long container.
The Pearl Retreat is a welcome breath of fresh air amidst the exhaustive online ‘get rich’ culture of success. It cuts through the noise and gets right to the core issue of creating your unique path to joyful prosperity. Through this program, you’ll learn what the true keys are that unlock your genius and how to bring it out into the world, and also what can get in the way of it. You’ll discover how synchronicities are triggered and released through the quantum field that The Pearl Sequence represents, and how people, events and things that are connected to you through threads of destiny will begin to be revealed to you.