July 2nd – 6th 2023
Gene Key 39
Provocation – Dynamism – Liberation
This week we meet Gene Key 39 – Liberation. What will you unblock this week? Contemplate and then act on this question. Create a fresh flow in at least one area of your life this week.
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Humanity's Future in a Changing World
In this LIVE episode of the Deja Blu podcast, Richard Rudd joins Zach Bush, Debra Silverman and Carla Johnson to unpack the climate crisis and what we can do as individuals to support our collective awakening.
Zach and Richard discuss the threat of extinction and the great possibility that lives within it. Beyond the fear of change, there is an opportunity for a better and more evolved world. Richard shares the prophecy of the future human through the 55th Gene Key and why the year 2027 is paramount to this expansion. Zach Bush dives into the beauty hidden in the seeming separation of our five senses, why humans are not a keystone species, and how we can awaken new senses.
A deeply inspiring discussion that has repercussions for us all….
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