June 30th – July 6th 2024

Gene Key 39


Provocation – Dynamism – Liberation

This week we meet Gene Key 39 – Liberation. What will you unblock and free up this week? Contemplate it and then act on this question by creating a fresh flow somewhere in your life.

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The cry of the gull is the rapture of liberation, cutting free from the Maya, the illusion, and ascending into the inner skies of consciousness. The seagull represents Liberation, the Siddhi of the 39th Gene Key. It is a vision of liberation, the great seabird soaring into the heavens, riding the thermals over the great oceans of life.

Fragments of Light, Richard Rudd

Richard Rudd features in Johnny Wilkinson's podcast - 'I Am...'

In this new episode of I Am… Richard Rudd discusses with Johnny Wilkinson how we can unlock and access the purpose and wisdom within ourselves. The conversation explores the art of contemplation, patience and courage, along with Richard’s inspiring insights into how we can create the conditions for our potential to blossom.
Click below to listen to this delightful episode!

The Dream Arc Profiler

What is the animal symbol for your Sphere of Purpose?

We’re excited to share our playful new tool with you! Designed to give you a fun and insightful way to see your Gene Keys profile from the perspective of nature and the animal kingdom.
Please enjoy this short excerpt from the Dream Arc, and join us at the upcoming retreat to learn more about how to make the connection between the Gene Keys and the Dream Arc.

Try it out now and let the fun begin!

A Voyage of Self-Illumination

The Golden Path is made up of three courageous journeys that will expand your mind and open your heart to undreamed of possibilities. The Golden Path Program will change the way you see the world.

This profound series walks you step-by-step through your entire personalised Gene Keys profile, to unlock your life Purpose, your Relationships, and your Prosperity. Click here to learn more.

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