August 29th – September 3rd 2023

Gene Key 40


Exhaustion – Resolve – Divine Will

This week we explore Gene Key 40 – Divine Will invites us to surrender and open to forces far beyond us. You can use this week to deepen your connection to the Divine.

This audio is no longer available to stream. Click below to purchase, or listen to the latest free audio contemplation in the current Pulse.

Playing with the Dream Arc

September 5th

Join us for an engaging and playful exploration of the Dream Arc course material. As a community, we’ll go on a quest together as we choose the themes that can support us collectively. You’ll also have the opportunity to hear Richard and Rosy share their personal stories about fascinating moments with creatures they’ve encountered.

Jaguar's Journey – Part 3

Ocean – Trusting in the nature of play

The Jaguar’s Journey is a free mini-series giving you a glimpse into the world of the Dream Arc. Whether you’re joining us for the first time, or continuing on your Dream Arc journey, Jaguar welcomes you.

A Message from Jaguar

Welcome to this third part of our little journey into the Dreamtime. Now we move into the oceans. Three ocean dwellers have come forward to serve you at this time. Open your heart, listen to your intuition and then choose one of them as your Guide into the ocean realm. Each will bring specific guidance to help you unlock freedom and flow in your life.

Which ocean dweller are you drawn to work with?

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