April 10th – 15th 2024

Gene Key 42


Expectation – Detachment – Celebration ­

This week we will tussle with Gene Key 42, which may challenge you to let go of your disappointment over something or someone. But if you open your mind and heart, you may find the opposite – that letting go of the thing which upsets you can lead to a new beginning.


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It’s funny that we generally only celebrate things at the beginning or the end. We don’t usually celebrate something in the middle, but this Siddhi is about celebrating in the middle. It’s about every moment becoming a Celebration.

The 64 Ways, Richard Rudd

Earth Day Celebration

Free on YouTube Live – April 22nd at 7pm UTC

Join Richard Rudd, Rosy Aronson, Matthew Ashdown and guests for an Earth Day Celebration. We will invoke the elements of air, fire, water and earth, through sharing music, meditation and contemplation from the Gene Keys and Dream Arc community.

An Introduction to the Concept of the Shadow

We experience our Shadow when we lose touch with our true self. What does it mean to transform our Shadows? How do we do it? Through working with the Gene Keys, we get to know our Shadow and learn to embrace it, and can then unlock its higher purpose and meaning. The very essence of the Gene Keys is that every Shadow contains a Gift. In this video, Richard discusses the concept of the Shadow and speaks compassionately about how we can transform our suffering into a great Gift.

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