October 31st – November 5th 2023

Gene Key 44


Interference – Teamwork – Synarchy

This week we explore Gene Key 44, one of the Master Keys (with double-digit numbers). This is the Key of Synarchy, which is about the power of self-organising intelligence. A great week for building community, bridging and collaborating.

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Astrology and Gene Keys

The synthesis between the I Ching and Western Astrology forms the primary framework and coordinates for the Gene Keys Transmission. The hexagrams of the I Ching are the fundamental 64 genetic archetypes that make up the Gene Keys, and their overlay onto the Astrological wheel gives the Gene Keys context and meaning in our personal lives. Read more about the role of Astrology in the Gene Keys.

New Video from Richard Rudd

Transforming Addiction

In this brand new video, Richard offers a cosmic take on the nature of addiction, calling on the Buddhist notion of Samsara, the wheel of addiction and incarnation. The most ancient addiction here is movement – which emerges from a deep restlessness rooted in a fear of the void. Richard invites us to empower ourselves by regularly pressing the pause button of the wheel, allowing the infinite to enter us as silence. Addiction can thus be transferred to a higher level, rather than being transformed, and its true energy can be harnessed as creativity or, even higher, as living wisdom. This video is both thoughtful and profound.

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