June 7th – 13th 2024

Gene Key 45


Dominance – Synergy – Communion

This week, we meet Gene Key 45, which brings Synergy and Communion. Try focusing on working with others in harmony this week. Breakthroughs are possible.

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Synergy is a word we often apply to a group dynamic that’s functioning smoothly, that’s buzzing and creative. Once we realise that we no longer need to compete with each other to survive, the next stage is figuring out how to work together. This is a great challenge, and the 45th Gene Key is adept at this.

The 64 Ways, Richard Rudd

'Union of All Beings' by Richard Rudd

Excerpt from Dare to be Divine

‘The 45th Siddhi is in the Ring of Prosperity and unifies all beings, all hierarchies. We have already seen how synarchy contains hierarchy within itself. In this way everything is ordered to perfection, and in this great order the last shall be first.’

Follow the link below to read the full article about the 45th Siddhi – Communion.

Dare to be Divine

This book offers a unique insight into the true magical roots of the universe. Richard Rudd takes us on a guided journey through the 64 expressions of enlightened consciousness (the 64 ‘Siddhis’ of the Gene Keys) and reveals a vast view of the true potential of humanity.

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