September 9th – 14th 2024

Gene Key 47


Oppression – Transmutation – Transfiguration

This week we explore Gene Key 47, where old karmic issues from the past can sometimes resurface for us to work with. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by such forces, we can open our hearts wider and embrace the miraculous.

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The bottom line is that our Oppression – the particular nuances and flavours of our suffering and karma during this lifetime, are exactly equivalent to the greatness of our inner light. Their purpose is to awaken that light.

The 64 Ways, Richard Rudd

🎉Instagram Celebration!🎊

On September 7th we reached 100k!

A huge thank you to all of our amazing followers around the globe! We couldn’t have done this without you. We are so grateful to our wonderful 100k community on Instagram! Thank you for helping us share this wisdom far and wide in such an organic way.

Love: Living Flame

This is a rare opportunity to experience a live and in-person transmission with the wonderful Tanmayo Lawson. For a limited time, if you purchase two or more tickets, we are offering a 10% discount.

Bring a friend and join us on September 30th in Boulder, Colorado!

Introducing the Venus Sequence – Part 2

Healing the Core Wound

In this, the second of a 4-Part introduction into the Venus Sequence, Richard Rudd describes humanity’s greatest secret – that we each come into the world with a core wound, passed on at the point of conception in our ancestral DNA. Outlining the six core wounds of repression, denial, shame, rejection, guilt and separation, he goes on to show how working with the Venus Sequence can heal those wounds. This in turn leads to their hidden gifts of trust, freedom, joy, gentleness, forgiveness and harmony.

Find out which of the six wounds you carry…

Do you want to experience Gene Keys in-person?

Check our upcoming events here.

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