February 8th – 13th 2024

Gene Key 49


Reaction – Revolution – Rebirth

This week we meet Gene Key 49, whose highest purpose is to transform Reaction into the extraordinary environment of Rebirth. Join us as we contemplate and learn how to activate the Gift of Revolution.

What do we mean by the term ‘collective awakening’? How will humanity be reborn? These are some of the questions that emerge from the 49th Gene Key.

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Rebirth means that what comes bears no resemblance to what came before. In the same way when we awaken, that which we become is not like that which we were. Once you’ve remembered, forgetting is gone – forever. We still have to live, we have to do the same things, but the indwelling consciousness is completely different.

Dare to be Divine, Richard Rudd

Registration closes Friday – February 9th

For those looking for additional support, guidance and an experience of collective contemplation, we invite you to join our upcoming global Activation Sequence Online Retreat. Journey with our wonderful hosts: Mark Bentley, Maria Hoffman and Anabel Vizcarra towards deeper harmony and self-understanding.

What is Your Higher Purpose?

In this video, Richard Rudd elucidates the essence of working with your Gene Keys Profile – to unlock your highest Purpose as a state of being, rather than any form of doing or achievement. This is a powerful invitation to begin working with your Gene Keys Profile, beginning with your Activation Sequence.

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